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Populations of inhibitory and excitatory interneurons in lamina II of the adult rat spinal dorsal horn revealed by a combined electrophysiological and anatomical approach




Lamina II contains a large number of interneurons involved in modulation and transmission of somatosensory (including nociceptive) information. However, its neuronal circuitry is poorly understood due to the difficulty of identifying functional populations of interneurons. This information is important for understanding nociceptive processing and for identifying changes that underlie chronic pain. In this study, we compared morphology, neurotransmitter content, electrophysiological and pharmacological properties for 61 lamina II neurons recorded in slices from adult rat spinal cord. Morphology was related to transmitter content, since islet cells were GABAergic, while radial and most vertical cells were glutamatergic. However, there was considerable diversity among the remaining cells, some of which could not be classified morphologically. Transmitter phenotype was related to firing pattern, since most (18/22) excitatory cells, but few (2/23) inhibitory cells had delayed, gap or reluctant patterns, which are associated with A-type potassium (IA) currents. Somatostatin was identified in axons of 14/24 excitatory neurons. These had variable morphology, but most of those tested showed delayed-firing. Excitatory interneurons are therefore likely to contribute to pain states associated with synaptic plasticity involving IA currents. Although noradrenaline and serotonin evoked outward currents in both inhibitory and excitatory cells, somatostatin produced these currents only in inhibitory neurons, suggesting that its pro-nociceptive effects are mediated by disinhibition. Our results demonstrate that certain distinctive populations of inhibitory and excitatory interneuron can be recognised in lamina II. Combining this approach with identification of other neurochemical markers should allow further clarification of neuronal circuitry in the superficial dorsal horn.
机译:Lamina II包含大量中间神经元,参与了体感(包括伤害感受)信息的调制和传输。然而,由于难以确定中间神经元的功能群,其神经元电路知之甚少。此信息对于理解伤害性处理和识别慢性疼痛的基础变化非常重要。在这项研究中,我们比较了成年大鼠脊髓切片中记录的61层II神经元的形态,神经递质含量,电生理和药理特性。形态与递质含量有关,因为胰岛细胞为GABA能,而放射状细胞和大多数垂直细胞为谷氨酸能。但是,其余细胞之间存在相当大的多样性,其中一些无法进行形态分类。发射器表型与激发模式有关,因为大多数(18/22)兴奋性细胞,但很少(2/23)抑制性细胞具有延迟,缺口或勉强模式,这与A型钾(IA)电流有关。在14/24兴奋性神经元的轴突中发现了生长抑素。它们具有可变的形态,但是大多数测试显示延迟点火。因此,兴奋性中间神经元可能导致与涉及IA电流的突触可塑性相关的疼痛状态。尽管去甲肾上腺素和5-羟色胺在抑制性细胞和兴奋性细胞中均引起外向电流,但生长抑素仅在抑制性神经元中产生这些电流,这表明其前伤害感受作用是由去抑制作用介导的。我们的结果表明,某些独特的抑制性和兴奋性中间神经元群体可以在层板II中识别。将此方法与其他神经化学标记物的识别相结合,应能进一步阐明浅表背角的神经元回路。



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