class='kwd-title'>Keywords: AX4 spin systems, Nu'/> Heteronuclear transverse and longitudinal relaxation in AX4 spin systems: Application to 15N relaxations in 15NH4+
首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Elsevier Sponsored Documents >Heteronuclear transverse and longitudinal relaxation in AX4 spin systems: Application to 15N relaxations in 15NH4+

Heteronuclear transverse and longitudinal relaxation in AX4 spin systems: Application to 15N relaxations in 15NH4+

机译:AX4自旋系统中的异核横向和纵向弛豫:应用于15NH4 +中的15N弛豫



class="kwd-title">Keywords: AX4 spin systems, Nuclear spin relaxation, Ammonium class="head no_bottom_margin" id="idm140425980646752title">AbstractThe equations that describe the time-evolution of transverse and longitudinal 15N magnetisations in tetrahedral ammonium ions, 15NH4+, are derived from the Bloch-Wangsness-Redfield density operator relaxation theory. It is assumed that the relaxation of the spin-states is dominated by (1) the intra-molecular 15N–1H and 1H–1H dipole–dipole interactions and (2) interactions of the ammonium protons with remote spins, which also include the contribution to the relaxations that arise from the exchange of the ammonium protons with the bulk solvent. The dipole–dipole cross-correlated relaxation mechanisms between each of the 15N–1H and 1H–1H interactions are explicitly taken into account in the derivations. An application to 15N-ammonium bound to a 41 kDa domain of the protein DnaK is presented, where a comparison between experiments and simulations show that the ammonium ion rotates rapidly within its binding site with a local correlation time shorter than approximately 1 ns. The theoretical framework provided here forms the basis for further investigations of dynamics of AX4 spin systems, with ammonium ions in solution and bound to proteins of particular interest.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字: AX4自旋系统,核自旋弛豫,铵 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ idm140425980646752title “>摘要方程,描述了四面体铵离子中 15 NH4 + 15 N磁化的时间演化>,是从Bloch-Wangsness-Redfield密度算子松弛理论得出的。假定自旋态的弛豫主要由(1)分子内 15 N– 1 H和 1 H – 1 H偶极-偶极相互作用以及(2)铵质子与远距离自旋的相互作用,其中还包括由于铵质子与本体溶剂交换而引起的弛豫。 15 N– 1 H和 1 H– 1 H相互作用。提出了结合到蛋白DnaK的41 kDa结构域上的 15 N-铵的应用,实验和模拟之间的比较表明,铵离子在其结合位点内快速旋转,具有局部相关时间短于大约1 ns。本文提供的理论框架为进一步研究AX4自旋系统的动力学奠定了基础,其中铵离子存在于溶液中并与特别感兴趣的蛋白质结合。



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