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Association of allostatic load with brain structure and cognitive ability in later life




Allostatic load (AL) has been proposed as a general framework for understanding the cumulative effects of life stress on individuals. Despite growing interest in AL, limited research has been conducted on aging samples. We consider the association of AL (operationalized by a range of inflammatory, cardiovascular, and metabolic measures) with a range of brain volume measurements and cognitive ability in a large cohort sample of older adults (n = 658, mean age = 72.5 years, standard deviation = 0.7) using structural equation modeling. AL was significantly inversely associated with total brain volume (range of standardized β = −0.16 to −0.20) and white-matter volume (−0.35 to −0.36) and positively with hippocampal volume (0.10–0.15) but not gray-matter volume (0.04). AL was also significantly inversely associated with general cognitive ability (range β = −0.13 to −0.20), processing speed (−0.20 to −0.22), and knowledge (−0.18 to −0.20) but not memory or nonverbal reasoning. The associations of AL with cognitive abilities were not mediated by these brain volume measures. AL did not predict cognitive change from age 11 to approximately age 73. The findings suggest a link between AL and later life brain health and cognitive functioning.
机译:拟静力负荷(AL)已被提出作为了解生活压力对个人累积影响的一般框架。尽管人们对AL的兴趣日益增长,但对老化样品的研究却很少。我们考虑了在一大群老年人(n = 658,平均年龄= 72.5岁,标准)中,AL(通过一系列炎症,心血管和代谢测量进行操作)与一系列脑容量测量和认知能力之间的关联偏差= 0.7),使用结构方程式建模。 AL与总脑容量(标准β= -0.16至-0.20的范围)和白色物质体积(-0.35至-0.36)呈显着负相关,与海马体积(0.10–0.15)呈正相关,而与灰色物质体积则无显着负相关( 0.04)。 AL也与一般认知能力(范围β= -0.13至-0.20),处理速度(-0.20至-0.22)和知识(-0.18至-0.20)呈显着负相关,但与记忆或非语言推理无关。这些脑容量测量值并未介导AL与认知能力的关联。 AL并未预测11岁至73岁之间的认知变化。研究结果表明AL与以后的大脑健康和认知功能之间存在联系。



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