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Improved tractography using asymmetric fibre orientation distributions




Diffusion MRI allows us to make inferences on the structural organisation of the brain by mapping water diffusion to white matter microstructure. However, such a mapping is generally ill-defined; for instance, diffusion measurements are antipodally symmetric (diffusion along >x and –>x are equal), whereas the distribution of fibre orientations within a voxel is generally not symmetric. Therefore, different sub-voxel patterns such as crossing, fanning, or sharp bending, cannot be distinguished by fitting a voxel-wise model to the signal. However, asymmetric fibre patterns can potentially be distinguished once spatial information from neighbouring voxels is taken into account. We propose a neighbourhood-constrained spherical deconvolution approach that is capable of inferring asymmetric fibre orientation distributions (A-fods). Importantly, we further design and implement a tractography algorithm that utilises the estimated A-fods, since the commonly used streamline tractography paradigm cannot directly take advantage of the new information. We assess performance using ultra-high resolution histology data where we can compare true orientation distributions against sub-voxel fibre patterns estimated from down-sampled data. Finally, we explore the benefits of A-fods-based tractography using in vivo data by evaluating agreement of tractography predictions with connectivity estimates made using different in-vivo modalities. The proposed approach can reliably estimate complex fibre patterns such as sharp bending and fanning, which voxel-wise approaches cannot estimate. Moreover, histology-based and in-vivo results show that the new framework allows more accurate tractography and reconstruction of maps quantifying (symmetric and asymmetric) fibre complexity.
机译:扩散核磁共振成像使我们可以通过将水扩散映射到白质微观结构来推断大脑的结构组织。但是,这种映射通常是不确定的。例如,扩散测量是对角对称的(沿着> x 和– > x 的扩散是相等的),而体素内纤维方向的分布通常是不对称的。因此,无法通过将体素方向模型拟合到信号来区分不同的子体素模式,例如交叉,成扇形或急剧弯曲。但是,一旦考虑到来自相邻体素的空间信息,就可以潜在地区分非对称纤维图案。我们提出了一种邻域约束球面反褶积方法,该方法能够推断出不对称的纤维取向分布(A-fods)。重要的是,由于常用的流线型医学影像学范式无法直接利用新信息,因此,我们进一步设计和实现了利用估计的A-fods的医学影像学算法。我们使用超高分辨率组织学数据评估性能,我们可以将真实方向的分布与根据下采样数据估计的亚体素纤维图案进行比较。最后,我们通过评估体检术预测与使用不同体内方式进行的连通性估计的一致性,来利用体内数据探索基于A-fods的体检术的好处。所提出的方法可以可靠地估计复杂的纤维图案,例如急剧弯曲和成扇形,而体素级方法则无法估计。此外,基于组织学和体内的结果表明,新框架允许更精确的束线照相法和重建定量(对称和不对称)纤维复杂性的图。



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