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A Genetically Tractable Natural Mouse Model of Cryptosporidiosis Offers Insights into Host Protective Immunity




class="head no_bottom_margin" id="sec1title">IntroductionCryptosporidiosis, initially recognized as an opportunistic infection associated with advanced HIV-AIDS, is now known as a leading cause of diarrheal disease in immunocompetent individuals around the world (, ). Young children are particularly vulnerable to infection with the apicomplexan parasite Cryptosporidium. In the Global Enteric Multicenter Study, the largest study of its kind to assess the etiology of early childhood diarrheal disease in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia, Cryptosporidium was strongly associated with moderate-to-severe diarrhea and death across all study sites (). Children that survive these life-threatening Cryptosporidium infections remain prone to malnutrition and stunted growth, with measurable decreases in height-for-age scores (, , , ). A recent meta-analysis that accounted for growth faltering estimated over 12 million disability adjusted life years attributable to cryptosporidiosis in 2016 alone (). This massive impact on public health is exacerbated by the lack of tools to manage the disease; the current treatment for Cryptosporidium is of limited efficacy and new more potent medicines are still under development (, ) and no vaccine is available to prevent the infection.Cryptosporidiosis in humans is predominantly caused by Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum. Epidemiology in children, as well as studies in human volunteers and in different animal species, have shown the development of immunity and suggest that vaccination may prevent the disease (, ), but the lack of animal models has limited vaccine development. Gnotobiotic piglets are susceptible to C. hominis and calves to C. parvum, but large animal models require specialized facilities (, ). Experiments in immunocompetent mice have been performed with Cryptosporidium muris; however, this species differs significantly from those infecting humans: phylogenetically, biochemically, and in the anatomical site of infection (stomach versus the small intestine). Mice are naturally resistant to C. hominis and C. parvum, but can be rendered susceptible to the latter by chemical immune suppression () or genetic immune insufficiency (href="#bib24" rid="bib24" class=" bibr popnode">Griffiths et al., 1998, href="#bib54" rid="bib54" class=" bibr popnode">Mead et al., 1991). These models have been critical to our understanding of innate mechanisms of resistance to Cryptosporidium and affirmed the important role of T cells in parasite control (href="#bib11" rid="bib11" class=" bibr popnode">Borad and Ward, 2010, href="#bib53" rid="bib53" class=" bibr popnode">Mead, 2014). However, because these studies are performed in neonates, immunocompromised or naturally resistant mice, we know little about the mechanisms required for long-lived protection.Robust rodent models with natural progression that replicate human disease have proven transformative for many fields of infection biology (href="#bib50" rid="bib50" class=" bibr popnode">Martina et al., 2003, href="#bib64" rid="bib64" class=" bibr popnode">Ploss et al., 2009). In order to develop such a model for cryptosporidiosis, we isolated a species of Cryptosporidium that naturally colonizes the mouse small intestine. This parasite, Cryptosporidium tyzzeri, genetically resembles those that cause human cryptosporidiosis and causes similar disease pathology. We then use CRISPR-driven genome engineering to create stable transgenic C. tyzzeri that express luminescent and fluorescent reporters. With these transgenic parasites we demonstrate acquired resistance to infection in mice and importantly such resistance can be elicited through vaccination with an attenuated parasite. Moving forward this fully tractable mouse model of cryptosporidiosis will permit rigorous investigation of potential vaccination strategies and allow the dissection of the complex host-pathogen interactions of Cryptosporidium infection.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ sec1title”>简介隐孢子虫病最初被认为是与晚期HIV / AIDS相关的机会性感染在全球具有免疫能力的个体中是导致腹泻疾病的主要原因(,)。幼儿特别容易受到apicomplexan寄生虫隐孢子虫的感染。在全球肠道多中心研究中,该研究是评估撒哈拉以南非洲和东南亚地区儿童早期腹泻病的病因学的同类研究中最大的一项,隐孢子虫与所有研究地点的中重度腹泻和死亡密切相关() 。在这些威胁生命的隐孢子虫感染中幸存下来的儿童仍然容易营养不良和发育迟缓,年龄别身高评分(``,,)的下降幅度可测量。最近的一项导致增长步履蹒跚的荟萃分析仅在2016年就估计有1200万以上因隐孢子虫病而导致的残疾调整生命年()。缺乏管理该疾病的工具,加剧了对公共卫生的巨大影响;目前对隐孢子虫的治疗效果有限,并且仍在开发新的更有效的药物,并且尚无疫苗可预防感染。人隐孢子虫病主要由人隐孢子虫和小隐孢子虫引起。儿童的流行病学以及在人类志愿者和不同动物物种中的研究均显示了免疫力的发展,并表明接种疫苗可以预防该疾病(),但是缺乏动物模型限制了疫苗的开发。灵长类动物仔猪容易感染人形衣原体,而小牛容易感染小隐孢子虫,但大型动物模型需要专门的设施(,)。已在免疫活性小鼠中用隐孢子虫进行了实验;但是,该物种与感染人类的​​物种有显着差异:在系统发育,生化和感染的解剖部位(胃与小肠)。小鼠天然抗人念珠菌和C. parvum,但是可以通过化学免疫抑制()或基因免疫功能不全(href =“#bib24” rid =“ bib24” class =“ bibr popnode “> Griffiths等,1998 ,href="#bib54" rid="bib54" class=" bibr popnode"> Mead等,1991 )。这些模型对于我们了解隐孢子虫的先天性机制至关重要,并肯定了T细胞在寄生虫控制中的重要作用(href="#bib11" rid="bib11" class=" bibr popnode"> Borad and Ward ,2010 ,href="#bib53" rid="bib53" class=" bibr popnode">米德,2014 )。但是,由于这些研究是在新生儿,免疫功能低下或天然抵抗力强的小鼠中进行的,因此我们对长寿保护所需的机制知之甚少。复制人类疾病的自然进展的健壮啮齿类动物模型已被证明在许多感染生物学领域具有变革性(< a href =“#bib50” rid =“ bib50” class =“ bibr popnode”>马丁娜等人,2003 ,href="#bib64" rid="bib64" class=" bibr popnode"> Ploss等,2009 )。为了开发这种用于隐孢子虫病的模型,我们分离了一种自然隐居在小鼠小肠上的隐孢子虫。这种寄生虫,即隐孢子虫,在遗传上类似于引起人类隐孢子虫病并引起类似疾病病理的寄生虫。然后,我们使用CRISPR驱动的基因组工程来创建稳定的转基因C.tyzzeri,以表达发光和荧光报告基因。有了这些转基因寄生虫,我们证明了对小鼠感染的获得性抗性,重要的是,这种抗性可以通过减毒寄生虫的疫苗接种引起。向前发展这种完全易处理的隐孢子虫病小鼠模型将允许对潜在的疫苗接种策略进行严格的研究,并允许解剖隐孢子虫感染的复杂宿主-病原体相互作用。



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