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Maxent modeling for predicting the spatial distribution of three raptors in the Sanjiangyuan National Park China




Upland buzzard (Buteo hemilasius), Saker falcon (Falco cherrug), and Himalayan vulture (Gyps himalayensis) are three common large raptors in the Sanjiangyuan National Park (SNP), China's first national park. Among them, Upland buzzard and Saker falcon play a significant role in controlling plateau rodent populations and reducing the transmission of pathogens carried by rodents. The Himalayan vulture can provide services for the redistribution and recycling of nutrients in the ecosystem, and play an irreplaceable role in the celestial burial culture of Tibetans in China. Exploring their habitat suitability is important for the protection of the three raptors. Our research was based on the current distribution of Upland buzzard, Saker falcon, and Himalayan vulture that we had extensively surveyed in the Sanjiangyuan National Park from 2016 to 2017. Combined with the correlation analysis of environmental variables, we utilized maximum entropy model (MaxEnt) to evaluate and compare the habitat suitability of the three species in the Sanjiangyuan National Park. Elevation, climate, and human disturbance factors, which had direct or indirect effects on species survival and reproduction, were all included in the model. Among them, elevation was the most important environmental variables affecting the suitability of habitats of three species. Temperature‐related factor was another important predictor. The high (>60%) suitable habitat areas for Upland buzzard, Saker falcon, and Himalayan vulture were 73,017.63, 40,732.78, and 61,654.33 km2, respectively, accounted for 59.32%, 33.09%, and 50.08% of the Sanjiangyuan National Park and their total suitable area (i.e., the sum area of high and moderate habitats) reached 96.07%, 60.59%, and 93.70%, respectively. Besides, the three species have overlapping areas for the suitable habitats, which means that overlapping areas should be highly valued and protected. Therefore, understanding the distribution of suitable habitats of the three raptors can provide useful information and reasonable reference for us to put forward suggestions for their protection and regional management.
机译:在中国第一个国家公园三江源国家公园(SNP)中,山地秃鹰(Buteo hemilasius),S(Falco cherrug)和喜马拉雅秃鹰(Gyps himalayensis)是三种常见的大型猛禽。其中,高地秃鹰和Saker猎鹰在控制高原啮齿动物种群和减少啮齿动物携带的病原体传播方面起着重要作用。喜马拉雅秃鹰可以为生态系统中的养分的重新分配和再循环提供服务,并且在中国藏族的天葬文化中起着不可替代的作用。探索它们的栖息地适合性对于保护这三个猛禽非常重要。我们的研究基于2016年至2017年在三江源国家公园进行了广泛调查的山地秃鹰,萨克猎鹰和喜马拉雅秃鹰的当前分布。结合环境变量的相关分析,我们利用了最大熵模型(MaxEnt)以评估和比较三江源国家公园这三种物种的栖息地适宜性。海拔,气候和人为干扰因素(对物种的生存和繁殖有直接或间接的影响)都包括在模型中。其中,海拔是影响三种物种栖息地适宜性的最重要的环境变量。与温度有关的因素是另一个重要的预测指标。高地秃鹰,Saker falcon和喜马拉雅秃鹰的高(> 60%)适合栖息地分别为73,017.63、40,732.78和61,654.33 km 2 ,分别占59.32%,33.09%和50.08%三江源国家公园的总面积(高,中度生境总面积)分别达到96.07%,60.59%和93.70%。此外,这三个物种在适合的栖息地上都​​有重叠区域,这意味着重叠区域应受到高度重视和保护。因此,了解三只猛禽的适宜生境分布,可以为我们提供有益的信息和合理的参考,为保护它们和进行区域管理提出建议。



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