首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Nanomedicine >Biodegradable mesoporous delivery system for biomineralization precursors

Biodegradable mesoporous delivery system for biomineralization precursors




Scaffold supplements such as nanoparticles, components of the extracellular matrix, or growth factors have been incorporated in conventional scaffold materials to produce smart scaffolds for tissue engineering of damaged hard tissues. Due to increasing concerns on the clinical side effects of using large doses of recombinant bone-morphogenetic protein-2 in bone surgery, it is desirable to develop an alternative nanoscale scaffold supplement that is not only osteoinductive, but is also multifunctional in that it can perform other significant bone regenerative roles apart from stimulation of osteogenic differentiation. Because both amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) and silica are osteoinductive, a biodegradable, nonfunctionalized, expanded-pore mesoporous silica nanoparticle carrier was developed for loading, storage, and sustained release of a novel, biosilicification-inspired, polyamine-stabilized liquid precursor phase of ACP for collagen biomineralization and for release of orthosilicic acid, both of which are conducive to bone growth. Positively charged poly(allylamine)-stabilized ACP (PAH-ACP) could be effectively loaded and released from nonfunctionalized expanded-pore mesoporous silica nanoparticles (pMSN). The PAH-ACP released from loaded pMSN still retained its ability to infiltrate and mineralize collagen fibrils. Complete degradation of pMSN occurred following unloading of their PAH-ACP cargo. Because PAH-ACP loaded pMSN possesses relatively low cytotoxicity to human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, these nanoparticles may be blended with any osteoconductive scaffold with macro- and microporosities as a versatile scaffold supplement to enhance bone regeneration.
机译:支架补充剂(例如纳米颗粒,细胞外基质的成分或生长因子)已被掺入常规支架材料中,以生产用于受损硬组织的组织工程的智能支架。由于越来越多的关注在骨外科手术中使用大剂量重组骨形态发生蛋白2的临床副作用,因此需要开发一种替代的纳米级支架补充剂,该补充剂不仅具有骨诱导性,而且具有多功能性,因为它可以执行除刺激成骨分化外,其他重要的骨再生作用。由于无定形磷酸钙(ACP)和二氧化硅均具有骨诱导性,因此开发了一种可生物降解的,非官能化的,扩孔的介孔二氧化硅纳米颗粒载体,用于装载,存储和持续释放新型的,经过生物硅化作用,多胺稳定的液体前体相。 ACP用于胶原生物矿化和原硅酸的释放,两者均有助于骨骼生长。带正电荷的聚(烯丙胺)稳定的ACP(PAH-ACP)可以有效地从非功能化的扩孔介孔二氧化硅纳米颗粒(pMSN)中加载和释放。从负载的pMSN中释放的PAH-ACP仍然保留了其渗透和矿化胶原纤维的能力。卸下PAH-ACP货物后,pMSN完全降解。因为负载PAH-ACP的pMSN对人骨髓来源的间充质干细胞具有相对较低的细胞毒性,所以这些纳米颗粒可以与具有大孔和微孔的任何骨传导性支架掺混,作为通用的骨架增强剂来增强骨骼再生。



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