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Between-Rater Reliability of the 6-Minute Walk Test Berg Balance Scale and Handheld Dynamometry in People with Multiple Sclerosis




This study investigated the between-rater reliability of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), 6-Minute Walk test (6MW), and handheld dynamometry (HHD) in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Previous studies that examined BBS and 6MW reliability in people with MS have not used more than two raters, or analyzed different mobility levels separately. The reliability of HHD has not been previously reported for people with MS. In this study, five physical therapists assessed eight people with MS using the BBS, 6MW, and HHD, resulting in 12 pairs of data. Data were analyzed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), Spearman correlation coefficients (SCCs), and Bland and Altman methods. The results suggest excellent agreement for the BBS (SCC = 0.95, mean difference between raters [d̄] = 2.08, standard error of measurement [SEM] = 1.77) and 6MW (ICC = 0.98, d̄ = 5.22 m, SEM = 24.76 m) when all mobility levels are analyzed together. Reliability is lower in less mobile people with MS (BBS SCC = 0.6, d̄ = −1.83; 6MW ICC = 0.95, d̄ = 20.04 m). Although the ICC and SCC results for HHD suggest good-to-excellent reliability (0.65–0.85), d̄ ranges up to 17.83 N, with SEM values as high as 40.95 N. While the small sample size is a limitation of this study, the preliminary evidence suggests strong agreement between raters for the BBS and 6MW and decreased agreement between raters for people with greater mobility problems. The mean differences between raters for HHD are probably too high for it to be applied in clinical practice.
机译:这项研究调查了多发性硬化症(MS)患者的Berg平衡量表(BBS),6分钟步行测试(6MW)和手持测力计(HHD)在评估者之间的可靠性。先前研究了MS患者的BBS和6MW可靠性的研究并未使用两个以上的评估者,或分别分析了不同的移动性水平。先前尚未有MS患者报告HHD的可靠性。在这项研究中,五位理疗师使用BBS,6MW和HHD对八名MS患者进行了评估,得出12对数据。使用组内相关系数(ICC),Spearman相关系数(SCC)以及Bland和Altman方法分析数据。结果表明BBS的一致性极佳(SCC = 0.95,评估者之间的平均差[ d ̄ < / math>] = 2.08,测量的标准误差[SEM] = 1.77)和6MW(ICC = 0.98, d ̄ = 5.22 m,SEM = 24.76 m)。行动不便的MS患者的可靠性较低(BBS SCC = 0.6, d ̄ = −1.83; 6MW ICC = 0.95, d ̄ = 20.04 m)。尽管HHD的ICC和SCC结果显示出良好的可靠性(0.65-0.85),但 d ̄ 范围高达17.83 N,SEM值高达40.95N。虽然样本量小是这项研究的局限性,但初步证据表明BBS和6MW的评估者之间的一致性很强,而BBS的评估者之间的一致性却降低了行动不便人士的评估者。 HHD评分者之间的平均差异可能太大,无法在临床实践中应用。



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