首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Pediatrics >Computer Game Use and Television Viewing Increased Risk for Overweight among Low Activity Girls: Fourth Thai National Health Examination Survey 2008-2009

Computer Game Use and Television Viewing Increased Risk for Overweight among Low Activity Girls: Fourth Thai National Health Examination Survey 2008-2009




Studies of the relationship between sedentary behaviors and overweight among children and adolescents show mixed results. The fourth Thai National Health Examination Survey data collected between 2008 and 2009 were used to explore this association in 5,999 children aged 6 to 14 years. The prevalence of overweight defined by the age- and gender-specific body mass index cut-points of the International Obesity Task Force was 16%. Using multiple logistic regression, computer game use for more than 1 hour a day was found to be associated with an increased risk of overweight (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.4; 95% confidence interval: 1.02–1.93). The effect of computer game use and TV viewing on the risk for overweight was significantly pronounced among girls who spent ≤3 days/week in 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (AOR = 1.99 and 1.72, resp.). On the contrary, these sedentary behaviors did not exert significant risk for overweight among boys. The moderating effect on risk of overweight by physical inactivity and media use should be taken into consideration in designing the interventions for overweight control in children and adolescents. Tracking societal changes is essential for identification of potential areas for targeted interventions.
机译:关于儿童和青少年久坐行为与超重之间关系的研究表明,结果好坏参半。在2008年至2009年之间收集的第四次泰国国家健康检查调查数据用于对5999名6至14岁儿童进行了探讨。国际肥胖特别工作组按年龄和性别划分的体重指数临界点定义的超重患病率为16%。使用多元逻辑回归分析,发现每天超过1小时使用电脑游戏会增加超重风险(调整后的优势比(AOR)= 1.4; 95%的置信区间:1.02-1.93)。在60分钟中等强度的体育锻炼中,每周花费≤3天/周的女孩中,使用计算机游戏和看电视对超重风险的影响非常明显(分别为AOR = 1.99和1.72)。相反,这些久坐的行为并未给男孩带来超重的明显风险。在设计控制儿童和青少年超重的干预措施时,应考虑到由于缺乏运动和使用媒体对超重风险的调节作用。跟踪社会变化对于确定有针对性的干预措施的潜在领域至关重要。



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