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Collagen from Cartilaginous Fish By-Products for a Potential Application in Bioactive Film Composite




The acid solubilised collagen (ASC) and pepsin solubilised collagen (PSC) were extracted from the by-products (skin) of a cartilaginous fish (Mustelus mustelus). The ASC and PSC yields were 23.07% and 35.27% dry weight, respectively and were identified as collagen Type I with the presence of α, β and γ chains. As revealed by the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra analysis, pepsin did not alter the PSC triple helix structure. Based on the various type of collagen yield, only PSC was used in combination with chitosan to produce a composite film. Such film had lower tensile strength but higher elongation at break when compared to chitosan film; and lower water solubility and lightness when compared to collagen film. Equally, FTIR spectra analysis of film composite showed the occurrence of collagen-chitosan interaction resulting in a modification of the secondary structure of collagen. Collagen-chitosan-based biofilm showed a potential UV barrier properties and antioxidant activity, which might be used as green bioactive films to preserve nutraceutical products.
机译:从软骨鱼(Mustelus mustelus)的副产品(皮肤)中提取酸溶解的胶原蛋白(ASC)和胃蛋白酶溶解的胶原蛋白(PSC)。 ASC和PSC的干重分别为23.07%和35.27%,被确定为具有α,β和γ链的I型胶原。如傅立叶变换红外(FTIR)光谱分析所揭示,胃蛋白酶不会改变PSC三螺旋结构。基于胶原蛋白产量的不同类型,仅将PSC与壳聚糖结合使用可生产复合膜。与壳聚糖膜相比,这种膜具有较低的拉伸强度但具有较高的断裂伸长率。与胶原膜相比,水溶性和亮度更低。同样,薄膜复合材料的FTIR光谱分析显示胶原蛋白-壳聚糖相互作用的发生,导致胶原蛋白二级结构的改变。基于胶原壳聚糖的生物膜显示出潜在的紫外线阻隔性能和抗氧化活性,可以用作绿色生物活性膜以保存营养产品。



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