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Impact of Daily versus Weekly Supply of Locally Produced Ready-to-Use Food on Growth of Moderately Wasted Children on Nias Island Indonesia




This study reports the outcomes of daily (semi-urban areas) and weekly (remote rural regions) programs for moderately wasted children supplemented with locally produced ready-to-use foods in the form of fortified cerealut/legume-based biscuits on Nias Island, Indonesia (RUF-Nias biscuit). Thirty-four children in daily and twenty children in weekly programs aged ≥6 to <60 months with weight-for-height z-score (WHZ) ≥ −3 to < −2 SD were recruited (October 2007–June 2008) on Nias and admitted into existing nutrition centers in the Church World Service project area. Individual discharge criterion was WHZ ≥ −1.5 SD. Weight gain of the children in daily and weekly programs was 3.9 ± 3.8 and 2.0 ± 2.0 g/kg/day, respectively. A higher proportion of children in daily than weekly programs reached target WHZ (76% vs. 35%, P = 0.004). Weight gain at program discharge/closure was highly predicted (R 2 = 0.228, P < 0.001) by compliance to RUF biscuits: high vs. low compliance resulted in a 1.33 (95% CI 0.16 to 1.53) g/kg/day higher weight gain. Compliance and admission in daily programs were significant factors in reducing the risk of not reaching the discharge criterion. However, mothers complained more frequently about time constraints in the daily relative to weekly programs.
机译:这项研究报告了针对中度浪费儿童的每日(半城市地区)和每周(偏远农村地区)计划的成果,并在尼亚斯州以强化谷类/坚果/豆类饼干的形式补充了当地生产的即食食品印度尼西亚岛屿(RUF-尼亚斯饼干)。在尼亚斯(Nias),招募了每天有34名儿童,每天节目中有24名儿童,年龄≥6至<60个月,身高体重Z分数(WHZ)≥-3至<-2 SD并进入了教堂世界服务项目区现有的营养中心。个体放电标准为WHZ≥-1.5 SD。在每日和每周计划中,儿童的体重增加分别为3.9±3.8和2.0±2.0微克/千克/天。每天达到每周WHZ的儿童比例要高于每周达到WHZ的比例(76%比35%,P = 0.004)。通过遵守RUF饼干,可以高度预测程序放电/关闭时的体重增加(R 2 = 0.228,P <0.001):高与低合规性导致1.33(95%CI 0.16至1.53) g / kg /天体重增加。日常计划的顺应性和准入是降低未达到出院标准风险的重要因素。但是,与每周计划相比,母亲更经常抱怨每天的时间限制。



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