首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS >Infectious Disease Survey of Mus musculus from Pet Stores in New York City

Infectious Disease Survey of Mus musculus from Pet Stores in New York City




Most mice used in research are purchased devoid of specific pathogens. Experimental studies required us to evaluate the profile of infective agents harbored in mice sold as pets or food for captive reptiles. Anecdotal reports regarding disease in these mice abound, but there are few published reports on disease prevalence. Purchasers are unaware of the potential zoonotic or adventitious infections carried by these mice. This survey investigated the prevalence of ectoparasites, endoparasites, and viral, bacterial, and fungal agents carried by apparently healthy mice (n = 18) obtained from 6 pet stores in New York City, with an emphasis on those pathogens with zoonotic potential. Serology revealed the presence of antibodies to numerous murine specific viral agents in most mice tested. Ectoparasites were present on most mice. Examination of intestinal contents revealed nematode and cestode parasites, including a potential cause of human cestodiasis, Rodentolepis nana. A multidrug-resistant β-hemolytic Enterococcus faecium was isolated from the skin of mice from a single pet store; this organism causes community-acquired infections in humans. This study confirms that pet-store mice are exposed to or carry numerous pathogens that are excluded from laboratory rodent colonies. The potential for laboratory animal personnel to serve as mechanical vectors of unwanted infective agents likely is increased when these persons handle pet-store mice at home.
机译:购买的大多数用于研究的小鼠都没有特定的病原体。实验研究要求我们评估在作为宠物或圈养爬行动物的食物出售的小鼠中所携带的传染原的概况。关于这些小鼠疾病的轶事报道很多,但是关于疾病流行的报道很少。购买者不知道这些小鼠携带的潜在的人畜共患或不定性感染。这项调查调查了从纽约市6家宠物店获得的看似健康的老鼠(n = 18)携带的体外寄生虫,内寄生虫以及病毒,细菌和真菌的发生率,重点是那些具有人畜共患病潜力的病原体。血清学揭示了在大多数测试的小鼠中存在针对多种鼠类特异性病毒剂的抗体。在大多数小鼠身上都存在寄生虫。肠道内容物的检查显示线虫和c虫的寄生虫,包括可能导致人类虫病的啮齿动物(Rodentolepis nana)。从一家宠物商店的小鼠皮肤中分离出一种多药耐药的β溶血性肠球菌;这种生物导致人类获得社区感染。这项研究证实,宠物商店的小鼠暴露于或携带了许多被实验室啮齿动物菌落排除的病原体。当这些实验人员在家中处理宠物商店的小鼠时,它们可能会成为有害感染因子的机械载体,其潜力可能会增加。



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