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Proceedings of the International Summit on Human Gene Editing: a global discussion—Washington D.C. December 1–3 2015




The US Academies of Sciences and Medicine, the Royal Society, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences convened a summit of experts in biology, medicine, law, ethics, sociology, and journalism, in December 2015 to review the state of the art in gene editing technology and discuss the medical and social ramifications of the technologies. The summit concluded with the following consensus recommendations: (1) intensive basic and preclinical research in animal and human models should proceed with appropriate legal and ethical oversight; (2) clinical applications in somatic cells must be rigorously evaluated within existing and evolving regulatory frameworks for gene therapy; (3) it would be irresponsible to proceed with any clinical use of germline editing until relevant safety and efficacy issues have been resolved and there is broad societal consensus about such a use; and (4) the international community should strive to establish generally acceptable uses of human germline editing.
机译:2015年12月,美国科学院,皇家学会和中国科学院召开了生物学,医学,法学,伦理学,社会学和新闻学专家峰会,以审查基因编辑技术的最新发展技术,并讨论技术的医学和社会影响。峰会结束时提出了以下共识性建议:(1)对动物和人类模型进行深入的基础和临床前研究应在适当的法律和道德监督下进行; (2)必须在现有和不断发展的基因治疗监管框架内严格评估体细胞的临床应用; (3)在解决相关的安全性和功效问题并获得广泛的社会共识之前,继续进行种系编辑的临床使用是不负责任的; (4)国际社会应努力建立人类种系编辑的普遍可接受的用途。



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