首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumecBritish Orthopaedic Association , Australian Orthopaedic Association , Canadian Orthopaedic Association . . . [et al] >Research in Burns. The Proceedings of the First International Congress on Research in Burns, held at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, September 19-22, 1960. Edited by Curtis P. Artz, M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Surgery, the University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Jackson, Mississippi. 9?x6? in. Pp. xiii+422, with many figures and tables. 1962. Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Biological Sciences. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Price 78s

Research in Burns. The Proceedings of the First International Congress on Research in Burns, held at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, September 19-22, 1960. Edited by Curtis P. Artz, M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Surgery, the University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Jackson, Mississippi. 9?x6? in. Pp. xiii+422, with many figures and tables. 1962. Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Biological Sciences. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Price 78s

机译:烧伤研究。 1960年9月19日至22日在马里兰州贝塞斯达国家海军医学中心举行的第一届国际烧伤研究大会论文集。由柯蒂斯·P·阿茨(Curtis P. Artz)编辑,医学博士,FACS,美国大学外科副教授密西西比州杰克逊市密西西比医学院。 9 x6 in。Pp。 xiii + 422,包含许多图形和表格。 1962年。华盛顿特区:美国生物科学研究所。牛津:布莱克韦尔科学出版物。价钱78s



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