首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics >Is it worthwhile to operate on subclinical right varicocele in patients with grade II–III varicocele in the left testicle?

Is it worthwhile to operate on subclinical right varicocele in patients with grade II–III varicocele in the left testicle?




>Purpose: To determine whether repair of subclinical varicoceles in the right testicle results in significant seminal improvement in patients with clinical left varicocele.>Methods: Patients were divided into two groups: Group I (unilateral varicocelectomy) and Group II (bilateral varicocelectomy—subclinical left varicocele). The mean sperm concentration before treatment was higher in Group I (21.01 ± 19.1) compared to Group II (5.7 ± 10.7) (p = 0.04).>Results: An increase in volume was detected in the left testicle of patients in Group I (17 ± 7.9 vs. 22.81 ± 8.2; p = 0.04) and in the right testicle of patients in Group II (18.4 ± 6.2 vs. 22.3 ± 6.5; p = 0.04). Although the mean postoperative sperm concentration in Group I increased slightly (25.7 ± 22.8), the mean sperm concentration in Group II increased significantly (30.32 ± 9.8; p = 0.03). Pregnancy rate was higher in Group II (66.7%) compared to Group I (33.3%).>Conclusions: Even a small, subclinical unrepaired varicocele continues to have a detrimental effect on bilateral testis function in a patient with grade II–III left varicocele.
机译:>目的:确定右睾丸亚临床精索静脉曲张的修复是否能使临床左精索静脉曲张患者的精液学明显改善。>方法:将患者分为两组:第一组(单侧精索静脉曲张切除术)和第二组(双侧精索静脉曲张切除术-亚临床左精索静脉曲张)。与第二组(5.7±10.7)相比,第一组(21.01±19.1)治疗前的平均精子浓度更高(p = 0.04)。>结果:左睾丸体积增大第一组的患者(17±7.9对22.81±8.2; p = 0.04)和第二组的右睾丸(18.4±6.2对22.3±6.5; p = 0.04)。尽管第一组的平均精子浓度略有增加(25.7±22.8),第二组的平均精子浓度却显着增加(30.32±9.8; p = 0.03)。 II组的妊娠率(66.7%)比I组的妊娠率更高(33.3%)。 II–III级左精索静脉曲张。



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