首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics >A Prospective Randomized Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Best Day for Embryo Transfer: Does the Outcome Justify Prolonged Embryo Culture?

A Prospective Randomized Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Best Day for Embryo Transfer: Does the Outcome Justify Prolonged Embryo Culture?




>Purpose>: This study aimed to evaluate the best day for embryo transfer in a prospective unrestricted randomized multicenter trial.>Methods>: Data were collected on a preformed Excel-sheet which contained random numbers from 1 to 5 for each subsequent patient as a preprogrammed day for embryo transfer. Information was requested on patient's age, indication for sterility treatment, stimulation protocol used, numbers of oocytes retrieved, fertilized oocytes, cryopreserved embryos, and cell stage of embryos transferred.>Results>: A total of 329 embryo transfers were performed, resulting in 106 clinical pregnancies (32.2%). Pregnancy rates achieved were 20.0% on day 1, 30.4% on days 2 and 3, and 50.0% on days 4 and 5 (p = 0.03).>Conclusions>: Within the scope of the present randomized multicenter trial, embryo transfers performed on days 4 and 5 enhanced the pregnancy rate significantly, compared to those of days 1, 2, and 3.
机译:>目的 >:该研究旨在评估一项前瞻性无限制随机多中心试验中胚胎移植的最佳日期。>方法 >:在预先形成的Excel表格上收集数据,该表格包含每个后续患者从1到5的随机数,作为胚胎移植的预编程日。要求提供有关患者年龄,不育治疗的适应症,使用的刺激方案,回收的卵母细胞数量,受精卵母细胞,冷冻保存的胚胎以及转移的胚胎细胞阶段的信息。>结果 >:总共进行了329次胚胎移植,导致106例临床妊娠(占32.2%)。第1天的妊娠率为20.0%,第2天和第3天为30.4%,第4天和第5天为50.0%(p = 0.03)。>结论 >:在本随机多中心试验的范围内,与第1、2和3天相比,在第4和5天进行的胚胎移植显着提高了妊娠率。



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