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Management of Superficial to Partial-Thickness Wounds




>Reference/Citation: Wiechula R. The use of moist wound-healing dressings in the management of split-thickness skin graft donor sites: a systematic review. Int J Nurs Pract. 2003; 9:S9–S17. >Clinical Question: Do rates of healing, infection, and pain differ depending on whether nonmoist or moist dressings are used to manage superficial to partial-thickness wounds? >Data Sources: Investigations were identified by CINAHL, MEDLINE, Pre-MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Current Contents, Health STAR, EMBASE, Expanded Academic Index, and Dissertation Abstracts International searches. The search terms included skin, graft, and donor. Additional searches were performed with reference lists and bibliographies of retrieved studies. >Study Selection: To be included in the review, each study had to fulfill the following criteria: it had to be an intraindividual or prospective randomized controlled trial of human subjects; it had to include patients with postharvest split-thickness skin graft donor sites; it had to evaluate the effectiveness of primary and secondary wound dressings; and it had to have outcome measures that included healing (objective), infection (subjective), and pain (objective). >Data Extraction: Data extraction and study quality assessment procedures were developed specifically for this review based on Cochrane Collaboration, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, and Joanna Briggs Institute protocols and were performed independently by the author. Details of the procedures were not fully explained. The principal outcome measures were healing (proportion of sites healed within the study period or time to complete healing), rate of infection, and pain scores. The studies were grouped according to broad dressing type (nonmoist and moist) and specific types of moist dressings (hydrocolloids and polyurethane semipermeable transparent films). When comparable, study results were pooled and analyzed with a fixed-effects model. Data within broader dressing categories (nonmoist and moist) were analyzed with a random-effects model. χ 2 analysis was used to determine heterogeneity among the studies. RevMan software (version 4.04; Cochrane Centre, Oxford, UK) was used for statistical analysis. >Main Results: The searches identified 111 studies and 1 integrative review, of which 58 studies met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inconsistency and variation in outcome measures and incomplete reporting of results prevented analysis of many studies. Wound healing was measured by days to complete healing (when dressings could be removed without trauma and pain) and wounds healed by day X (removal of dressings at regular intervals). Wound infection was subjectively measured based on clinical signs of infection (edema, heat, pain, or smell). Visual analog scales were used to measure pain levels. Among the broad categories of nonmoist (sterile gauze, fine mesh gauze, Xerofoam [Tyco Healthcare Group LP, Mansfield, MA]) and moist (DuoDERM hydrocolloid [ConvaTec, Princeton, NJ], Tegaderm transparent film [3M Health Care, St Paul, MN], Opsite transparent film [Smith & Nephew, London, UK]) dressings, the outcomes of healing, infection, and pain were analyzed. In 6 studies, the findings significantly favored moist dressings, compared with nonmoist dressings, for days to complete healing (weighted mean difference [WMD] = −3.97, 95% confidence interval [CI] = −5.91, −2.02). In 9 studies, wounds healed by day X (day 7, 8, 9, 10, or 12) were analyzed. The results were varied and inconclusive because of a small number of trials and subjects. Among 10 studies, no significant difference was noted in infection rates between nonmoist and moist dressings (odds ratio [OR] = 0.41, 95% CI = 0.14, 1.18). Three studies using visual analog scales for the outcome of pain were converted into a uniform scale of 1 to 10 (10 representing most painful). The findings significantly favored moist dressings over nonmoist dressings (WMD = −1.75, 95% CI = −2.94, −0.56).Among nonmoist and specific types of moist dressings, a subset analysis was performed to examine the outcomes of healing, infection, and pain. For days to complete healing, 2 investigations significantly favored hydrocolloid dressings over nonmoist dressings (WMD = −2.19, 95% CI = −2.89, −1.49). Additionally, in 2 studies, hydrocolloid dressings were significantly favored over other moist dressings (semiocclusive hydrocolloid and transparent film) for days to complete healing (WMD = −1.45, 95% CI = −2.17, −0.74). In 3 studies, the data significantly favored polyurethane semipermeable transparent film dressings over nonmoist dressings for days to complete healing (WMD = −2.82, 95% CI = −3.58, −2.07). For infection rates, 4 studies significantly favored hydrocolloid dressings over nonmoist dressings (OR = 0.21, 95% CI = 0.07, 0.65). In 4 other studies, polyurethane semipermeable transparent film dressings were significantly favored over nonmoist dressings with regard to infection rates (OR = 0.28, 95% CI = 0.09, 0.91). For the outcome of pain, varied outcome measures and insufficient data prevented analysis among specific types of moist dressings.>Conclusions: Moist dressings decreased the days to complete healing and pain scores when compared with nonmoist dressings. Among the broad categories of nonmoist and moist dressings, no differences were found in infection rates. The data on specific types of moist dressings revealed that days to complete healing were decreased with hydrocolloid dressings compared with nonmoist and other moist dressings. Hydrocolloid dressings also decreased infection rates compared with nonmoist dressings. Polyurethane semipermeable transparent film dressings also decreased days to complete healing and infection rates compared with nonmoist dressings. Overall, the data indicated that hydrocolloid dressings are more effective than nonmoist dressings in terms of rates of healing, infection, and pain in the management of superficial to partial-thickness wounds. The variations in outcome measures among the included studies should be considered in interpreting these findings.
机译:>参考文献/引用: Wiechula R.湿伤口愈合敷料在裂开厚度的皮肤移植供体部位的处理中的应用:系统综述。 Int J Nurs Pract。 2003; 9:S9–S17。 >临床问题:治愈率,感染率和疼痛率是否根据使用非湿敷料或湿敷料处理表浅至部分厚度的伤口而有所不同? >数据来源:通过CINAHL,MEDLINE,MEDLINE之前,Cochrane图书馆,当前目录,Health STAR,EMBASE,扩展的学术索引和国际学位论文搜索来识别调查。搜索词包括皮肤,移植物和供体。使用参考列表和检索到的参考书目进行其他搜索。 >研究选择:要纳入评价,每项研究必须满足以下标准:必须是一项针对受试者的单项或前瞻性随机对照试验;它必须包括采后厚皮移植供体部位的患者;它必须评估初级和次级伤口敷料的有效性;并且必须具有包括康复(客观),感染(主观)和疼痛(客观)在内的结果指标。 >数据提取:数据提取和研究质量评估程序是根据Cochrane协作,评论与传播中心和Joanna Briggs研究所的规程专门为此次审查开发的,由作者独立执行。程序的细节尚未完全解释。主要结局指标为愈合(在研究期内或完成愈合的时间内愈合的部位比例),感染率和疼痛评分。根据广泛的敷料类型(不潮湿和潮湿)和特定的潮湿敷料类型(水胶体和聚氨酯半透性透明膜)将研究分组。当具有可比性时,汇总研究结果并使用固定效应模型进行分析。使用随机效应模型分析了更广泛的敷料类别(非潮湿和潮湿)中的数据。 χ 2 分析用于确定研究之间的异质性。 RevMan软件(4.04版;英国牛津的Cochrane中心)用于统计分析。 >主要结果:这些搜索确定了111项研究和1项综合评价,其中58项研究符合纳入和排除标准。结果指标的不一致和变化以及结果报告不完整,阻止了许多研究的分析。伤口愈合的天数为完成愈合的时间(此时可以去除敷料而不会造成创伤和疼痛),伤口在第X天已愈合(定期去除敷料)。根据感染的临床体征(水肿,热,疼痛或气味)主观测量伤口感染。视觉模拟量表用于测量疼痛程度。在广泛的非湿性类别(无菌纱布,细纱布,Xerofoam [Tyco Healthcare Group LP,曼斯菲尔德,马萨诸塞州])和湿润性(DuoDERM水状胶体[ConvaTec,普林斯顿,新泽西州],Tegaderm透明薄膜[3M Health Care,St Paul, MN],透明的透明薄膜[Smith&Nephew,英国伦敦]敷料,愈合,感染和疼痛的结果进行了分析。在6项研究中,与非湿敷料相比,在完全治愈的天数中,研究结果明显偏爱湿敷料(加权平均差异[WMD] = -3.97,95%置信区间[CI] = -5.91,-2.02)。在9项研究中,分析了在第X天(第7、8、9、10或12天)治愈的伤口。由于试验和受试者的数量少,结果各不相同且没有定论。在10项研究中,非湿敷料和湿敷料之间的感染率没有显着差异(优势比[OR] = 0.41,95%CI = 0.14,1.18)。使用视觉模拟量表评估疼痛结果的三项研究被转换为1到10的统一量表(10代表最痛苦的)。研究结果显着偏爱湿敷料而不是非湿敷料(WMD = -1.75,95%CI = -2.94,-0.56)。在非潮湿和特定类型的潮湿敷料中,进行了子集分析以检查愈合,感染和疼痛的结果。在完成愈合的几天里,有2项研究显着偏爱水胶体敷料而不是湿润敷料(WMD = -2.19,95%CI = -2.89,-1.49)。此外,在两项研究中,水胶体敷料比其他湿敷料(半闭塞性水胶体和透明薄膜)在几天内可以完全愈合(WMD = -1.45,95%CI = -2.17,-0.74)。在3个研究中,这些数据显着偏爱聚氨酯半透性透明薄膜敷料而不是非湿敷料几天,以完全治愈(WMD = -2.82,95%CI = -3.58,-2.07)。对于感染率,有4项研究显着偏爱水胶体敷料而不是湿润敷料(OR = 0.21,95%CI = 0.07,0.65)。在其他4项研究中,就感染率而言,聚氨酯半透性透明薄膜敷料明显优于非湿敷料(OR = 0.28,95%CI = 0.09,0.91)。对于疼痛的结果,各种结果方法和不足的数据妨碍了对特定类型的湿敷料进行分析。>结论:与非湿敷料相比,湿敷料缩短了完成治愈和疼痛评分的天数。在广泛的非湿敷料和湿敷料中,感染率没有差异。特定类型的湿敷料的数据显示,与非湿敷料和其他湿敷料相比,水胶体敷料完成愈合的天数减少了。与非湿敷料相比,水胶体敷料还降低了感染率。与非湿敷料相比,聚氨酯半透性透明薄膜敷料还减少了完成治愈和感染率的天数。总体而言,数据表明水胶体敷料在表皮至部分厚度伤口的愈合,感染和疼痛率方面比非湿敷料更有效。在解释这些发现时,应考虑纳入研究中结果指标的差异。



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