首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Bacteriology >comYA a gene similar to comGA of Bacillus subtilis is essential for competence-factor-dependent DNA transformation in Streptococcus gordonii.

comYA a gene similar to comGA of Bacillus subtilis is essential for competence-factor-dependent DNA transformation in Streptococcus gordonii.




Tn4001 mutagenesis identified a new competence gene in Streptococcus gordonii Challis designated comYA. A comYA mutant was completely deficient in transformation and exhibited decreased levels of DNA binding and hydrolysis. The deduced 319-amino-acid ComYA protein exhibited 57% similarity and 33% identity to the ComGA transporter protein of Bacillus subtilis and contained the Walker A-box motif conserved in ATP-binding proteins as well as aspartic acid boxes Asp-1 and Asp-2 present in some components of the general secretory pathway of gram-negative bacteria. comYA appeared to be part of a putative operon encompassing a comGB homolog, designated comYB, together with sequences that could encode ComGC- and ComGD-like peptides designated ComYC and ComYD, respectively, as well as other components. The putative ComYC and ComYD peptides had leader sequences similar to the type IV N-methylphenylalanine pilins of gram-negative bacteria, but unlike other examples in this class, including B. subtilis, they contained an alanine at position -1 of the leader instead of the usual glycine residue. Northern analysis identified a single 6.0-kb comYA-containing transcript strictly dependent on exogenous competence factor for expression in ComA1 cells. An identical pattern of expression was seen in wild-type Challis cells grown under conditions of maximal competence but not in cells that were noncompetent.
机译:Tn4001诱变在戈登链球菌Challis中鉴定了一个新的能力基因,命名为comYA。 comYA突变体完全缺乏转化能力,并且DNA结合和水解水平降低。推导的319个氨基酸的ComYA蛋白与枯草芽孢杆菌的ComGA转运蛋白具有57%的相似性和33%的同一性,并且包含在ATP结合蛋白中保守的Walker A-box基序以及天冬氨酸盒Asp-1和Asp。 -2存在于革兰氏阴性细菌的一般分泌途径的某些成分中。 comYA似乎是推定操纵子的一部分,包含comGB同源物,称为comYB,以及可以分别编码ComGC和ComGD样肽的序列,分别称为ComYC和ComYD,以及其他组件。推定的ComYC和ComYD肽具有类似于革兰氏阴性细菌的IV型N-甲基苯基丙氨酸菌丝的前导序列,但与此类中的其他实例(包括枯草芽孢杆菌)不同,它们在前导序列的-1位置含有丙氨酸而不是通常的甘氨酸残基。 Northern分析确定了一个单一的6.0 kb含comYA的转录本,该转录本严格依赖于ComA1细胞中表达的外源能力因子。在最大能力条件下生长的野生型查利斯细胞中观察到了相同的表达模式,而在非感受态细胞中则没有。



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