首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Bacteriology >Conjugal transfer of the 5-nitroimidazole resistance plasmid pIP417 from Bacteroides vulgatus BV-17: characterization and nucleotide sequence analysis of the mobilization region.

Conjugal transfer of the 5-nitroimidazole resistance plasmid pIP417 from Bacteroides vulgatus BV-17: characterization and nucleotide sequence analysis of the mobilization region.




Three small 5-nitroimidazole (5-Ni) resistance plasmids (pIP417, pIP419, and pIP421) from Bacteroides clinical isolates are transferable by a conjugative process during homologous or heterologous matings. The mobilization properties of pIP417 originated from strain BV-17 of Bacteroides vulgatus were studied. The plasmid was successfully introduced by in vitro conjugation into different strains of Bacteroides and Prevotella species and could be transferred back from these various strains to a plasmid-free 5-Ni-sensitive Bacteroides fragilis strain, indicating that in vivo spread of the resistance gene may occur. The transfer of plasmid pIP417 harbored by the Tc(r) strain BF-2 of B. fragilis was stimulated by low concentrations of tetracycline or chlorotetracycline. This suggests a possible role for coresident conjugative transposons in the dissemination of 5-Ni resistance among gram-negative anaerobes. The nucleotide sequence of the 2.1-kb DNA mobilization region was determined. It contains a putative origin of transfer (oriT) in an A+T-rich-region, including three inverted repeats, and two integration host factor binding sites. The two identified mobilization genes (mobA and mobB) are organized in one operon and were both required for efficient transfer. Southern blotting indicated that the mobilization region of plasmid pIP417 is closely related to that of both the erythromycin resistance plasmid pBFTM1O and the 5-Ni resistance plasmid pIP419 but not to that of the 5-Ni resistance plasmid pIP421.
机译:来自拟杆菌属临床分离株的三个小的5-硝基咪唑(5-Ni)抗性质粒(pIP417,pIP419和pIP421)可在同源或异源交配过程中通过结合过程转移。研究了源自拟杆菌的BV-17菌株的pIP417的动员特性。该质粒已通过体外缀合成功地引入到不同的拟杆菌和普雷沃特氏菌菌株中,并且可以从这些不同菌株中转移回无质粒的5-Ni敏感脆弱拟杆菌,表明抗性基因在体内的传播可能发生。低浓度的四环素或氯四环素刺激了脆弱脆弱芽孢杆菌Tc(r)菌株BF-2携带的质粒pIP417的转移。这表明共居共轭转座子可能在革兰氏阴性厌氧菌中传播5-Ni抗性。确定了2.1-kb DNA动员区的核苷酸序列。它在A + T富集区域中包含一个假定的转移起点(oriT),包括三个反向重复序列和两个整合宿主因子结合位点。两个已识别的动员基因(mobA和mobB)组织在一个操纵子中,并且都是有效转移所必需的。 Southern印迹表明,质粒pIP417的动员区域与红霉素抗性质粒pBFTM10和5-Ni抗性质粒pIP419都紧密相关,而与5-Ni抗性质粒pIP421无关。



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