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Removal of ligand-bound liposomes from cell surfaces by microbubbles exposed to ultrasound




Gas-filled microbubbles attached to cell surfaces can interact with focused ultrasound to create microstreaming of nearby fluid. We directly observed the ultrasound/microbubble interaction and documented that under certain conditions fluorescent particles that were attached to the surface of live cells could be removed. Fluorescently labeled liposomes that were larger than 500 nm in diameter were attached to the surface of endothelial cells using cRGD targeting to αvβ3 integrin. Microbubbles were attached to the surface of the cells through electrostatic interactions. Images taken before and after the ultrasound exposure were compared to document the effects on the liposomes. When exposed to ultrasound with peak negative pressure of 0.8 MPa, single microbubbles and groups of isolated microbubbles were observed to remove targeted liposomes from the cell surface. Liposomes were removed from a region on the cell surface that averaged 33.1 μm in diameter. The maximum distance between a single microbubble and a detached liposome was 34.5 μm. Single microbubbles were shown to be able to remove liposomes from over half the surface of a cell. The distance over which liposomes were removed was significantly dependent on the resting diameter of the microbubble. Clusters of adjoining microbubbles were not seen to remove liposomes. These observations demonstrate that the fluid shear forces generated by the ultrasound/microbubble interaction can remove liposomes from the surfaces of cells over distances that are greater than the diameter of the microbubble.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s10867-017-9465-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
机译:附着在细胞表面的充气微泡可以与聚焦超声相互作用,从而产生附近流体的微流。我们直接观察到超声/微泡相互作用,并记录了在某些条件下可以去除附着在活细胞表面的荧光颗粒。使用靶向αvβ3整联蛋白的cRGD,将直径大于500 nm的荧光标记脂质体附着到内皮细胞表面。微泡通过静电相互作用附着在细胞表面。比较超声暴露之前和之后拍摄的图像,以记录对脂质体的影响。当暴露于峰值负压为0.8 MPa的超声下时,观察到单个微泡和成组的分离的微泡从细胞表面去除了靶向脂质体。从细胞表面直径平均为33.1μm的区域中去除脂质体。单个微泡与分离的脂质体之间的最大距离为34.5μm。已显示单个微泡能够从细胞表面一半以上去除脂质体。去除脂质体的距离明显取决于微泡的静息直径。看不到相邻的微泡簇去除脂质体。这些观察结果表明,超声/微泡相互作用产生的流体剪切力可以在大于微泡直径的距离上从细胞表面去除脂质体。电子补充材料本文的在线版本(10.1007 / s10867-017- 9465-4)包含补充材料,授权用户可以使用。



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