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Professor Vladimir Hudolin, our psychiatrist and long-standing head of the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Alcohology and Other Addictions, wrote a number of valuable works in the field of psychiatry, as already noted previously in this section. He was a renowned expert and professor, having educated many physicians from our Hospital and transferring his great knowledge through his books, articles and lectures to numerous physicians from Croatia, as well as those from the neighboring countries and worldwide. Professor Hudolin was aware that, in addition to good textbooks, all those who are keen to acquire thorough and in-depth knowledge in a profession also require good dictionaries/glossaries that will enable them comprehend the multitude of complex professional terms. Thus, the first edition of his Lexicon of Psychiatric-Psychological Terms that appeared as early as 1963, was sold out in a year, which pleased Professor Hudolin very much and he started working on the second edition immediately. The second edition presented herein appeared in 1968, followed by another two editions; the fourth edition entitled Glossary of Psychiatric Terminology was published in 1991. The second edition of the Lexicon was published by Panorama, Zagreb. The Lexicon has 430 pages, illustrations and an appendix with figures illustrating various disorders. In the Foreword, Professor Hudolin explains how the fact that the first edition was sold out within a short period was one of the reasons for preparing the second edition where some amendments and novel terms have been included, paying due attention to the use of both etymological and phonetic terms. On writing the Lexicon, Professor Hudolin had great help by his wife, Professor Višnja Hudolin, who assisted him with her professional knowledge in the field of epilepsy and electroencephalography. As stated by Professor Hudolin, writing the Lexicon took more time than expected due to his commitments as head of the Department and other duties, but he insisted on preparing the second edition to resolve the issues communicated by his friends, colleagues and reviewers.
机译:Vladimir Hudolin教授,我们的精神科医师和神经学,精神病学,铝和其他成瘾部的长期负责人,在精神科学领域写了许多有价值的作品,如前所述在本节中已经注意到。他是着名的专家和教授,从我们的医院接受了许多医生,并通过他的书籍,文章和讲座从克罗地亚以及来自邻国和全球范围的众多医生转移他的伟大知识。 Hudolin教授意识到,除了良好的教科书外,所有热衷于在职业中获得彻底和深入知识的人还需要良好的词典/词汇表,使他们能够理解众多复杂的专业人员。因此,他早于1963年出现的精神病心理术语的第一版莱克西森在一年内售罄,这很高兴Hudolin教授,他开始立即开始在第二版上工作。这里呈现的第二版在1968年出现,其次是另外两个版本;第四版题为精神科术语词汇表于1991年出版。第二版Lexicon由萨格勒布全景出版。 Lexicon有430页,插图和附录,图示出各种障碍。在前言中,Hudolin教授解释了第一版在短时间内售罄的事实是准备第二版的原因之一,其中包括一些修正案和新条款,以适当重视使用的原因和语音术语。在撰写lexicon时,Hudolin教授由他的妻子们求助,višnjahudolin教授,他们在癫痫和脑电图的领域协助了他的专业知识。正如Hudolin教授所陈述的那样,由于他作为部门负责人和其他职责的承诺,写下Lexicon的时间比预期更多的时间,但他坚持准备第二版,以解决他的朋友,同事和审稿人传达的问题。



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