首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research : JCDR >A Study of 100 Cases of Arrhythmias in First Week of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) in Gujarat: A High Risk and Previously Undocumented Population

A Study of 100 Cases of Arrhythmias in First Week of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) in Gujarat: A High Risk and Previously Undocumented Population




>Aim: To study the incidence of arrhythmias in the first week of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) with respect to type of arrhythmia, age distribution, sex and location of infarctin a patient population from western India and to evaluate its prognostic value and assessment of effect of pharmacotherapy.>Study Design: A prospective clinical study consisting of 100 patients was undertaken to investigate the relationship of arrhythmia with site of AMI, timing, complications and outcome in terms of mortality and morbidity.>Materials and Methods: Hundred consecutive cases of AMI with arrhythmia admitted in ICCU of Sir Sayaji General Hospital, Vadodara were taken in the study.>Results: Among 100 cases, maximum incidence (41%) was found after 6th decade. Incidence of arrhythmias was higher in males (70%) than females (30%). Anterior wall infarcts (69%) were more common than inferior wall (26%). Ventricular Premature Contraction (VPC) (36.23%) was the commonest arrhythmia is anterior wall MI while Complete Heart Block (CHB) (26.92%) was most frequent in inferior wall MI. A large number of arrhythmias were terminated pharmacologically (39%) whereas 13 % of the arrhythmias persisted in spite of treatment.>Conclusion: Hence, in one of the largest study of this kind in a patient population of Western India, we established VPC’s as the most common arrhythmia in AMI patients. Older patients (sixth decade) and males are affected more commonly. Ventricular tachycardia is more fatal in acute inferior wall MI. Pharmacotherapy was successful in a large number of cases.
机译:>目标:研究印度西部患者人群在急性心肌梗死(AMI)的第一周中关于心律失常的类型,年龄分布,性别和梗死位置的心律失常发生率,并进行评估>研究设计:一项由100名患者组成的前瞻性临床研究旨在探讨心律失常与AMI部位,时机,并发症和死亡率等方面的关系。 >材料和方法:研究对象为Vadodara Sayaji总医院ICCU连续收治的AMI并伴有心律失常的病例。>结果:在100例患者中,在第六个十年后发现最大的发病率(41%)。男性(70%)的心律失常发生率高于女性(30%)。前壁梗塞(69%)比下壁(26%)更常见。室壁早搏(VPC)(36.23%)是最常见的心律不齐,是前壁MI,而完全性心脏传导阻滞(CHB)(26.92%)在下壁MI最常见。大量的心律失常在药理学上被终止(39%),尽管经过治疗,但仍有13%的心律不齐持续。>结论:因此,这是一项针对西方人群的最大研究在印度,我们将VPC确定为AMI患者中最常见的心律不齐。老年患者(六十岁)和男性受到的影响更大。在急性下壁心肌梗死中室性心动过速更为致命。药物治疗在很多情况下都是成功的。



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