首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology >Exercise Prescription in Renal Transplant Recipients: From Sports Medicine Toward Multidisciplinary Aspects: A Pilot Study

Exercise Prescription in Renal Transplant Recipients: From Sports Medicine Toward Multidisciplinary Aspects: A Pilot Study




Renal transplantation is the choice treatment for end-stage renal disease. In spite of transplantation, cardiovascular morbidity and mortality remains high, possibly due to a prolonged sedentary lifestyle prior to transplantation. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of unsupervised intervention in a tailored home-based aerobic resistance exercise program, based on the anthropometric and cardiovascular parameters in a group of renal transplant recipients (RTRs) followed for 12 months. Methods: a group of 21 RTRs (mean age: 46.8 ± 12 years) were enrolled in a combined aerobic and step count unsupervised prescription program. Body composition (BMI, waist circumferences, skin-folds); water distribution (TBW: Total body water; ECW: Extra cellular water; and ICW: Intracellular water) and myocardial function were measured every 6 months for 1 year. The MEDI-LITE score was used to estimate adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Results: Significant reductions in waist circumference (Waist Cir: 89.12 ± 12.8 cm T0; 89.1 ± 12.5 cm T6 (95% CI: 6.3, 5.7); 88.6 ± 11.4 cm T12; (95% CI: 6.7, 4.7) p < 0.01), weight:71.8 ± 14.8 kg T0; 70.6 ± 14.7 kg T6(95% CI:−8, 6); 70.6 ± 14.7 kg T12(95% CI: 6.6, 7) p < 0.05), as well as an improvement of myocardial function, as shown by the significant increase of contractility and change in the GLS % value (−18.3 ± 3.8% at T0 (95% CI:−16.57, 20.0.2)−20.4 ± 3.0% at T6(95% CI:−4, 0.2);−22.9 ± 3.1%T12(95% CI:−3, 4, −1, 6) p < 0.02), were observed. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was in the normal range. Conclusions: Despite unsupervised intervention, combined moderate physical exercise appears to have a positive effect on the main parameters related to cardiovascular risk factors. The long-term efficacy of this program requires further investigation, particularly for evaluating constant adherence to the home-based physical exercise program.
机译:肾移植是首选治疗终末期肾病。尽管移植,心血管发病率和死亡率仍然很高,这可能是由于之前移植长期久坐的生活方式。这项研究的目的是评估监督的干预量身定制的以家庭为基础的有氧抵抗运动程序的影响,基于人体测量和心血管参数组肾移植受者(RTRS)在随后12个月。方法:一组21个RTRS(平均年龄:46.8±12岁)在组合的需氧和步数无监督程序处方的患者。体组合物(BMI,腰围,皮肤褶皱);配水(TBW:身体总水量; ECW:胞外的水; ICW:细胞内的水)和心肌功能测定每6个月为1年。该MEDI-LITE分数来估算坚持地中海饮食。结果:显着减少在腰围(腰部巡回:89.12±12.8厘米T0; 89.1±12.5厘米T6(95%CI:6.3,5.7); 88.6±11.4厘米T12;(95%CI:6.7,4.7)P <0.01 ),重量:71.8±14.8公斤T0; 70.6±14.7公斤T6(95%CI:-8,6); 70.6±14.7公斤T12(95%CI:6.6,7)P <0.05),以及心肌功能的改善,如由收缩性和变化的在GLS%值(-18.3±3.8%在显著增加T0(95%CI:-16.57,20.0.2)-20.4±在T6 3.0%(95%CI:-4,0.2); - 22.9±3.1%T12(95%CI:-3,4,-1, 6)p <0.02),观察到。坚持地中海式饮食习惯是在正常范围内。结论:尽管无人监管的介入,加之适度的体育锻炼似乎对有关心血管危险因素的主要参数有积极作用。这一方案的长期疗效还需要进一步调查,特别是对评估不断的坚持以家庭为基础的体育锻炼计划。



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