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MDR and XDR typhoid fever-a threat for the current decade?

机译:MDR和XDR伤寒 - 目前十年的威胁?



Salmonella typhi is a gram-negative, flagellated, rod-shaped bacterium that is responsible for typhoid fever. Salmonella typhi infections are found only in humans and are spread by polluted water sources and poor hygiene practices, such as fecal contamination of edibles, insufficient hand washing, and so on. Despite significant advancements in health care delivery and medicine, millions of people around the world are at risk of contracting typhoid and paratyphoid fever as a result of exposure to the causative organism, which can result in disabilities and even death [1]. The African continent has had the world's highest case fatality rate and the longest median period of typhoid fever [2]. The World Health Organization in 2010 projected that the global burden of foodborne diseases was 33 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Further to that, Africa has the largest incidence of food-borne diseases per household [3]. Inadequate sanitary practices have also contributed to an uptick in typhoid outbreaks following the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously, the discovery of new drugs to treat typhoid fever saved millions of lives all over the world. Unfortunately, decades of antibiotic use have resulted in the development of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant Salmonella typhi strains. In the case of typhoid fever, multidrug resistance (MDR) stands for resistance to Ampicillin, Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole, and Chloramphenicol, whereas Extensive drug resistance (XDR) stands for Chloramphenicol, Ampicillin, Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole, Fluoroquinolones, and third-generation Cephalosporin resistance.
机译:Salmonella Typhi是一种革兰阴性,被鞭打的棒状细菌,负责伤寒。 Salmonella Typhi感染仅在人类中被发现,并被污染的水源和卫生措施差,如粪便污染,手工不足,依此类推。尽管医疗保健和医学有重大进展,但世界各地的数百万人面临由于暴露于致病生物而引起伤寒和副伤寒的风险,这可能导致残疾甚至死亡[1]。非洲大陆拥有世界上最高病例的死亡率,伤寒发烧中位数最长[2]。 2010年世界卫生组织预计,全球食源性疾病负担是3300万残疾调整的生命年份(Dalys)。此外,非洲拥有每家家庭的食品疾病最大的发病率最大[3]。在Covid-19大流行后,卫生习惯不足也有助于伤寒疫情的吐痰。此前,发现新药治疗伤寒症,以全世界遍布全球数百万人生命。遗憾的是,数十年的抗生素使用导致多药抗性和广泛的耐药沙门氏菌滴水菌株的开发。在伤寒的情况下,多药抗性(MDR)代表抗氨苄青霉素,三甲双胍 - 磺胺甲恶唑和氯霉素的抵抗力,而广泛的耐药性(XDR)代表氯霉素,氨苄青霉素,三甲双胍 - 磺甲氧唑,氟喹啉和第三代头孢菌素抗性。



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