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Our Digital Moment: Innovations and Opportunities in Digital Mental Health Care




“If we can use apps to order dinner and video chats to stay in touch with family—we can use new technology to keep each other healthy.”1 So commented Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in May when he announced $240.5 million “to develop, expand, and launch virtual care and mental health tools to support Canadians,” in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.2 That week, the Ontario government committed itself to enhancing e-therapy options, particularly for those struggling with the stress of the pandemic, and the British Columbia government promised $5 million to support virtual mental health care.3 These commitments follow others made by governments across North America, affecting compensation and regulations and—ultimately—practice. With so much political enthusiasm and pandemic reality, is mental health care having a digital moment?
机译:“如果我们可以使用应用程序订购晚餐和视频聊天与家庭保持联系 - 我们可以使用新技术保持健康的彼此。”1所以评论在5月份的贾斯汀特鲁多伊在5月份宣布24050万美元“发展,扩大并推出虚拟护理和精神卫生工具来支持加拿大人,“当时的Covid-19 Pandemex2一周,安大略政府致力于加强电子治疗方案,特别是对于那些争取大流行压力的人,不列颠哥伦比亚省政府承诺500万美元支持虚拟精神卫生保健.3这些承诺遵循各国政府对北美制定的,影响赔偿和法规和最终实践。以如此多的政治热情和大流行现实,是心理保健有数字的时刻吗?



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