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Ketamine and Ceftriaxone-Induced Alterations in Glutamate Levels Do Not Impact the Specific Binding of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Subtype 5 Radioligand 18FPSS232 in the Rat Brain

机译:氯胺酮和头孢曲松钠诱导的谷氨酸水平改变不会影响大鼠脑中代谢型谷氨酸受体亚型5放射性配体18F PSS232的特异性结合。



Several studies showed that [11C]ABP688 binding is altered following drug-induced perturbation of glutamate levels in brains of humans, non-human primates and rats. We evaluated whether the fluorinated derivative [18F]PSS232 can be used to assess metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) availability in rats after pharmacological challenge with ketamine, known to increase glutamate, or ceftriaxone, known to decrease glutamate. In vitro autoradiography was performed on rat brain slices with [18F]PSS232 to prove direct competition of the drugs for mGluR5. One group of rats were challenged with a bolus injection of either vehicle, racemic ketamine, S-ketamine or ceftriaxone followed by positron emission tomography PET imaging with [18F]PSS232. The other group received an infusion of the drugs during the PET scan. Distribution volume ratios (DVRs) were calculated using a reference tissue model. In vitro autoradiography showed no direct competition of the drugs with [18F]PSS232 for the allosteric binding site of mGluR5. DVRs of [18F]PSS232 binding in vivo did not change in any brain region neither after bolus injection nor after infusion. We conclude that [18F]PSS232 has utility for measuring mGluR5 density or occupancy of the allosteric site in vivo, but it cannot be used to measure in vivo fluctuations of glutamate levels in the rat brain.
机译:几项研究表明,[ 11 C] ABP688的结合在人,非人灵长类动物和大鼠的大脑中药物诱导的谷氨酸水平扰动后发生改变。我们评估了氟代衍生物[ 18 F] PSS232是否可用于评估氯胺酮(已知会增加谷氨酸)或头孢曲松(已知会降低)的药理学攻击后大鼠的代谢型谷氨酸受体5(mGluR5)的可用性。谷氨酸。用[ 18 F] PSS232对大鼠脑片进行了体外放射自显影,以证明该药物可直接竞争mGluR5。一组大鼠通过大剂量注射赋形剂,消旋氯胺酮,S-氯胺酮或头孢曲松攻击,然后用[ 18 F] PSS232正电子发射断层显像PET成像攻击。另一组在PET扫描期间接受了药物输注。使用参考组织模型计算分布体积比(DVR)。体外放射自显影显示没有与[ 18 F] PSS232的药物直接竞争mGluR5的变构结合位点。推注或输注后,体内[ 18 F] PSS232结合的DVR在任何脑区均没有改变。我们得出的结论是[ 18 F] PSS232具有测量mGluR5密度或体内变构位点占用的功能,但不能用于测量大鼠脑中谷氨酸水平的体内波动。



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