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Evolution of moult-migration is directly linked to aridity of the breeding grounds in North American passerines




To avoid energy allocation conflicts, birds generally separate breeding, migration and moult during the annual cycle. North American passerines typically moult on the breeding grounds prior to autumn migration. However, some have evolved a moult-migration strategy in which they delay moult until stopping over during autumn migration. Rohwer et al. (2005) proposed the ‘push–pull hypothesis' as an explanation for the evolution of this moult strategy, but it has not been empirically tested. Poor conditions on the breeding grounds at the end of the summer would push birds to depart prior to moult, while productive stopover locations would pull them. We tested for a relationship between moult-migration and breeding grounds aridity as measured by the normalized difference vegetation index. Our results strongly support the ‘push' aspect of the push–pull hypothesis and indicate that arid breeding grounds, primarily in western North America, would drive species to evolve stopover moult-migration, although this relationship may depend upon migration distance.
机译:为避免能量分配冲突,鸟类在年度周期中的繁殖,迁移和换羽。在秋季迁移之前,北美雀宿通常会换换药。然而,有些人进化了一种粉碎的蜕变策略,其中他们延迟换羽直到秋季迁移期间停止。 Rohwer等人。 (2005)提出了“推拉假设”作为这种换羽战略演变的解释,但它尚未经验经验测试。在夏季结束时繁殖场的条件差将推动鸟类前的鸟类,而生产性的中断位置将拉动它们。我们通过归一化差异植被指数测量的摩尔特迁移和育种地面干旱之间的关系进行了测试。我们的结果强烈支持推拉假设的“推动”方面,并表明,主要在西北美国的干旱繁殖场将推动物种,尽管这种关系可能取决于迁移距离可能取决于迁移距离。



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