首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Toxicology Research >Moringa oleifera leaves extract modulates toxicity sperms alterations oxidative stress and testicular damage induced by tramadol in male rats

Moringa oleifera leaves extract modulates toxicity sperms alterations oxidative stress and testicular damage induced by tramadol in male rats

机译:Moringa Oleifera叶子提取物调节毒性精子改变氧化胁迫和曲马多诱导的雄性大鼠诱导的睾丸损伤



Tramadol is a synthetic opioid analgesic used for moderate-to-severe pain structurally related to codeine and morphine, where their analgesic mechanism is a result of opioid and non-opioid mechanisms. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of Moringa oleifera leaves extract (MLE) on tramadol-induced testicular toxicity, sperm changes, testicular damage, and oxidative stress in male rats. Forty male albino rats were divided into four groups and treated for 4 weeks (group 1, as control; group 2, MLE; group 3, tramadol; group 4, MLE + tramadol). The relative body weight, relative testes weight, serum total testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, sperm counts, vitality, total sperm motility, catalase, and superoxide dismutase activities were significantly decreased in tramadol-treated group when compared with the control group. In contrast, sperm abnormality, immotile sperm percent, testicular injury, and TBARS concentration in testes were significantly increased in the tramadol-treated group. In addition, histopathological examination for the tramadol-treated group has shown incomplete spermatogenesis, moderate degeneration in some seminiferous tubules with a significant decrease in the number of spermatogenic cells and depletion of Leydig cells. The administration of MLE with tramadol ameliorates the testicular toxicity, injury, sperm count, abnormalities, and oxidative stress induced by tramadol.
机译:曲马多是一种合成阿片类镇痛药,用于与可待因和吗啡结构相关的中度至严重的疼痛,其镇痛机制是阿片类药物和非阿片类药物的结果。本研究旨在评估Moringa Oleifera叶子提取物(MLE)对曲马多的睾丸毒性,精子变化,睾丸损伤以及雄性大鼠氧化应激的影响。将40只雄性白化大鼠分为四组,并治疗4周(第1组,为对照;第2组,MLE;第3组,Tarmadol;第4组,MLe +曲马多)。与对照组相比,曲马多治疗组在曲马多治疗组中,相对体重,相对睾丸重量,血清总睾酮,培精管,刺激激素,精子计数,活力,总精子运动,过氧化氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性显着降低。相反,在曲马多治疗组中,精子异常,睾丸损伤百分比,睾丸损伤和TBAR浓度明显增加。此外,对于曲马多治疗组病理组织学检查显示不完整的精子,中度退化在一些曲细精管与生精细胞和间质细胞的消耗的数量显著下降。 MLE的曲马多的给药改善了睾丸毒性,损伤,精子数,异常和由曲马多诱导的氧化应激。



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