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Riders on the storm: loggerhead sea turtles detect and respond to a major hurricane in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean




a The five hurricane phases were divided relative to the time when the turtle and the hurricane were closest to each other (T0) as follows: Before (14–2 days before T0), Approach (2–0.5 days before T0), During (0.5 days before–0.5 days after T0), Departure (0.5–2 days after T0), and After (2–14 days after T0). The Approach and Departure phases provided 1.5 day buffers around the During phase to determine clear Before and After phases. The length (days) of each phase is displayed within each colored section of the bar. b The range of the dates within each phase for each turtle are characterized by the colored sections of the horizontal bars. Each turtle had a different T0, and each turtle-borne tag transmitted at different times, therefore, the hurricane phases covered slightly different time periods per turtle. T0, which occurred at some time on 28 August 2011 for all turtles, is indicated by the white circle within the red, During section
机译:相对于乌龟和飓风最接近彼此(T0)的时间分开五个飓风相:之前(在T0之前14-2天),方法(T0之前2-0.5天),在( 0.5天在T0后0.5天),出发(T0后0.5-2天),后(T0后2-14天)。方法和出发阶段在阶段周围提供1.5天缓冲液以在阶段之前和之后确定清除。每个阶段的长度(天)显示在杆的每个彩色部分内。 B每个乌龟的每个阶段内的日期的范围是由水平杆的彩色部分的特征在于。每只乌龟都有不同的T0,每个龟的标签在不同时间传播,因此,飓风阶段每只乌龟略微不同的时间段。 T0在2011年8月28日为所有海龟时发生的T0,由红色内的白色圆圈表示,在截面期间



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