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Disparity in Birth Size of Ethiopian Preterm Infants in Comparison toInternational INTERGROWTH-21st Data

机译:与...的埃塞俄比亚早产儿出生大小的差异国际融合 - 21日数据



Background. Patterns of fetal growth are largely influenced byenvironmental, nutritional, and socioeconomic factors more than differences inpopulations. The aim of this study was to assess anthropometric measurements ofEthiopian preterm infants at birth and compare the results with theinternational INTERGROWTH-21st data. Patients and methods. Weanalyzed anthropometric data on live-born singleton preterm infants enrolled ina hospital-based multicenter study of illness in preterm infants (SIP). Eligiblenewborns with gestational age of 28-36 weeks were included. Gestational age (GA)and sex-specific mean and standard deviations (SD), 10th, 50th, 90th, centilevalues for birth weight, length and head circumference (HC) were calculated andcompared with INTERGROWTH-21st data. Result. A total of 2763preterm infants were included in the study, 54% were male. The prevalence ofsmall for GA (SGA) (<10th percentile) and large for GA (LGA) (>90thpercentile) were 10.8% and 9.9%, respectively. In all 3 parameters, the meanvalues of boys were higher than of girls. Birth weight centiles were comparableto international averages at lower GA, then after GA of 32 weeks the 10th, 50th,and 90th centile values were 100-500 g less than the international averages. Thehead circumference centiles were mostly comparable, and the 90th centile valueswere greater than the international averages across the GA and in both sexes.Conclusion. The infants’ birth weights were smaller athigher GA, which may indicate maternal undernutrition in the third trimester ofpregnancy. Strengthening antenatal nutrition counseling and providing nutritionsupplementation might improve the birth weight.
机译:背景。胎儿生长的模式在很大程度上受到影响环境,营养和社会经济因素超过差异人口。本研究的目的是评估人类测量的测量埃塞俄比亚早产儿出生,并将结果与​​结果进行比较国际融合第21号数据。患者和方法。我们分析了Living Singleton早产儿的人类测量数据早产儿的医院多中心研究(SIP)。有资格的包括28-36周的新生儿。胎龄(GA)和性别特定的平均值和标准偏差(SD),10,50,90,encile计算出生体重,长度和头部周长(HC)的值与晶间-21ST数据相比。结果。共计2763年早产儿包括在研究中,54%是男性。普遍存在对于GA(SGA)(<第10百分位数)和大GA(LGA)(> 90)百分位数分别为10.8%和9.9%。在所有3个参数中,平均值男孩的价值高于女孩。出生体重核是可比的在下限GA的国际平均水平,然后在32周的第10个,50日之后,第90章融合价值比国际平均值少于100-500克。这头圆周焦炭大多是可比的,90籍居住价值大于GA和两性的国际平均值。结论。婴儿的出生体重较小高等GA,可能表明在第三个三个月的孕产妇缺失怀孕。加强产前营养咨询和提供营养补充可能会提高出生体重。



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