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Books: Tools of the Trade: Poems for New Doctors (Third Edition): Looking after Yourself and Others




Five years ago I reviewed the first edition of this book of poems designed to be carried in the pocket of newly qualified doctors. I thought it was a brilliant idea and am delighted to see it is still going strong in its third edition as a resource to turn to for inspiration, comfort, and even guidance during a working day — or unwinding after it. It still weighs in at just 96 pages, so what’s new in this edition? There are prefaces by the editors and sponsor (MDDUS) and an introduction by Gavin Francis. Notes are included on some of the poets and by some of the poets themselves on their poems. Poems are also grouped together in five sections — looking after yourself, looking after others, beginnings, being with illness, and endings. Having mourned my own father’s death earlier this year it wasn’t surprising that I found some of the poems in the final section particularly resonated with me. Denise Levertov is a wonderful poet and ‘Talking to Grief’ is a powerful metaphorical evocation of loss:
机译:五年前,我审查了这本诗歌的第一版,旨在携带在新合格的医生的口袋里。我以为这是一个辉煌的主意,并且很高兴看到它的第三版仍然是强大的,作为在工作日期间的灵感,舒适,甚至指导的资源,或者在它之后放松。它仍然在96页中重量,所以本版中有什么新的?编辑和赞助商(MDDU)有令人遗憾,由Gavin Francis介绍。笔记包括在一些诗人和一些诗人上的诗歌中。诗歌还在五个部分中分组 - 照顾自己,照顾他人,开始,与疾病,以及结局。今年早些时候哀悼我自己的父亲的去世,我发现了最后一部分的一些诗歌并不奇怪。 Denise Levertov是一个美妙的诗人,“与悲伤交谈”是一种强大的隐喻唤起损失:



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