首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Viruses >In Vitro and In Ovo Host Restriction of Aquatic Bird Bornavirus 1 in Different Avian Hosts

In Vitro and In Ovo Host Restriction of Aquatic Bird Bornavirus 1 in Different Avian Hosts




Aquatic bird bornavirus 1 (ABBV-1) is associated with chronic meningoencephalitis and ganglioneuritis. Although waterfowl species act as the natural host of ABBV-1, the virus has been sporadically isolated from other avian species, showing the potential for a broad host range. To evaluate the host restriction of ABBV-1, and its potential to infect commercial poultry species, we assessed the ability of ABBV-1 to replicate in cells and embryos of different avian species. ABBV-1 replication was measured using multi- and single-step growth curves in primary embryo fibroblasts of chicken, duck, and goose. Embryonated chicken and duck eggs were infected through either the yolk sac or chorioallantoic cavity, and virus replication was assessed by immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR in embryonic tissues harvested at two time points after infection. Multi-step growth curves showed that ABBV-1 replicated and spread in goose and duck embryo fibroblasts, establishing a population of persistently infected cells, while it was unable to do so in chicken fibroblasts. Single-step growth curves showed that cells from all three species could be infected; however, persistence was only established in goose and duck fibroblasts. In ovo inoculation yielded no detectable viral replication or lesion in tissues. Data indicate that although chicken, duck, and goose embryo fibroblasts can be infected with ABBV-1, a persistent infection is more easily established in duck and goose cells. Therefore, ABBV-1 may be able to infect chickens in vivo, albeit inefficiently. Additionally, our data indicate that an in ovo model is inadequate to investigating ABBV-1 host restriction and pathogenesis.



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