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Syphilis Trends in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) of Georgia and South Carolina USA




There has been an alarming resurgence of early syphilis since 2000, especially in the southeast region, which has one of the highest rates of primary and secondary syphilis in the United States of America (USA). Although the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) is the second most populous area in Georgia with a large presence of health care facilities, its counties have one of the lowest overall rankings in health outcomes. This study examined the syphilis rates and trends in the CSRA. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention’s AtlasPlus was used. Cases of primary and secondary syphilis diagnosed during 2010–2015 were analyzed to describe reported syphilis among CSRA residents. In the CSRA, between 2010 and 2015, the incidence rate of primary and secondary syphilis increased from 5.9 to 9.4 cases per 100,000 population. The lowest rate of syphilis was observed in 2011 (2.7 cases per 100,000) and the highest rate in 2015. In 2015, the highest syphilis rates were observed among males (15.9 per 100,000), non-Hispanic blacks (16.9 per 100,000), and persons between the ages 20–24 years (34.5 per 100,000). The relevance of preventive measures has been widely communicated, yet it is clear that risk-taking sexual behavior is on the rise. Greater effort is warranted to reduce risky behaviors that promote the transmission of syphilis, including areas outside of major metropolitan areas.
机译:自2000年以来,早期梅毒的复苏令人震惊,尤其是在东南地区,该地区是美国(美国)原发性和继发性梅毒发病率最高的地区之一。尽管萨凡纳河中部地区(CSRA)是佐治亚州第二大人口稠密地区,拥有大量医疗保健设施,但其县的医疗结果总体排名最低。这项研究检查了CSRA中的梅毒发生率和趋势。使用了美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)的HIV / AIDS,病毒性肝炎,性病和结核病预防中心的AtlasPlus数据。分析了2010-2015年期间诊断出的原发性和继发性梅毒病例,以描述CSRA居民中报告的梅毒。在CSRA中,2010年至2015年期间,原发性和继发性梅毒的发病率从每10万人口5.9例增加到9.4例。 2011年的梅毒发生率最低(2.7例/ 100,000),2015年的发病率最高。2015年,男性的梅毒发生率最高(100,000 / 15.9),非西班牙裔黑人(100,000 / 16.9),以及20至24岁之间的人数(每10万人中34.5岁)。预防措施的重要性已得到广泛传播,但显然冒险的性行为正在上升。为了减少梅毒传播的危险行为(包括主要大都市区以外的地区),应加大力度。



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