
Equine rotavirus infection




This review briefly describes the virus classification, clinical signs, epidemiology,diagnosis, disinfection, and vaccines related equine group A rotavirus (RVA) infection.Equine RVA is one of the most important pathogens causing diarrhoea in foals. The maintransmission route is faecal–oral, and the clinical signs are diarrhoea, fever, lethargy,and anorexia (decreased suckling). Some human RVA rapid antigen detection kits based onthe principles of the immunochromatographic assay are useful for the diagnosis of equineRVA infection. The kits are used in daily clinical practice because of their rapidity andease of handling. Equine RVA is a non-enveloped virus and is more resistant todisinfectants than enveloped viruses such as equine influenza virus and equineherpesvirus. Although amphoteric soaps and quaternary ammonium compounds are commonly usedin veterinary hygiene, they are generally ineffective against equine RVA. Alcoholproducts, aldehydes, and chlorine- and iodine-based compounds are effective against equineRVA. Inactivated vaccines have been used for equine RVA infection in some countries.Pregnant mares are intramuscularly inoculated with a vaccine, and thus their colostrum hasabundant antibodies against RVA at the time of birth. According to G and P classificationdefined in accordance with the VP7 and VP4 genes, respectively, the predominant equineRVAs circulating in horse populations globally are G3P[12] and G14P[12] equine RVAs, butthe vaccines contain only the G3P[12] equine RVA strain. Ideally, a G14P[12] equine RVAshould be added as a vaccine strain to obtain a better vaccine effect.
机译:本综述简要介绍了病毒分类,临床症状,流行病学,诊断,消毒和疫苗相关的标牌组旋转病毒(RVA)感染。标牌RVA是导致马驹腹泻最重要的病原体之一。主要的传输途径是粪便 - 口服,临床症状是腹泻,发烧,嗜睡,和厌食症(减少哺乳)。基于的一些人RVA快速抗原检测试剂盒免疫层析测定的原理可用于诊断马匹RVA感染。由于它们的速度和快速,套件用于日常临床实践中易于处理。马车RVA是一种非包裹的病毒,更具抵抗力消毒剂比包围病毒,如马流感病毒和马匹Herpesvirus。虽然常用两性肥皂和季铵化合物在兽医卫生中,它们通常对马RVA无效。酒精产品,醛和氯和碘基化合物对马匹有效RVA。灭活疫苗已用于一些国家的马RVA感染。怀孕的母马用疫苗肌内接种,因此他们的初乳有在出生时对RVA的丰富抗体。根据G和P分类根据VP7和VP4基因定义,分别是主要的马在全球的马人口中循环的RVA是G3P [12]和G14P [12]马车,但疫苗仅包含G3P [12]标准RVA菌株。理想情况下,G14P [12]标准RVA应添加作为疫苗菌株以获得更好的疫苗效果。



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