首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Multi-Objective Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Based on the NSGA-2 Algorithm While Considering Intergenerational Equity: A Case Study of the Middle and Upper Reaches of Huaihe River Basin China

Multi-Objective Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Based on the NSGA-2 Algorithm While Considering Intergenerational Equity: A Case Study of the Middle and Upper Reaches of Huaihe River Basin China

机译:基于NSGA-2算法的基于NSGA-2算法的水资源多目标优化分配 - 以淮河流域中上游为例



With the rapid development of society and the economy, the demand for water resources is increasing. This, combined with the increasing competition for water resources between current and future generations, hinders the sustainable development of society. To alleviate prominent water resources problems, achieve sustainable utilization of water resources and the sustainable development of society and economy, a multi-objective optimal water resources allocation model is proposed, in which different water sources and different water departments are considered to achieve the maximum social and economic benefits of the study area on the premise of water resources sustainability. To meet the needs of future generations, the discount value is introduced to measure intergenerational equity. A case study from seven cities in the upper and middle reaches of the Huaihe River Basin is given to verify the practicality and viability of the model. The non-dominated sorting Genetic Algorithms-2(NSGA-2) was used to find optimal water resources allocation schemes in 2020 and 2050 under the condition of a hydrological drought year (inflow guarantee rate p = 75%). Compared with previous models, the intergenerational equity model considers the sustainability of water resources, has higher social and economic benefits, and ensures the fair distribution of water resources among generations. According to the results, under balanced weight, the water shortage ratio of the seven cities will decrease from 5.24% in 2050 to 1.58% in 2020, and the economic benefit will increase from 79.46(1010CNY) to 168.3(1010CNY), respectively. In addition, the discount value of economic benefit in 2050 is 80.23(1010CNY), which is still higher than that in 2020. This shows that the water resource allocation scheme can eliminate the disparity between supply and demand for water resources and achieve intergenerational equity. Therefore, the intergenerational equity model can alleviate the contradiction of water resources and realize intergenerational equity.
机译:随着社会和经济的快速发展,水资源的需求正在增加。这使得当前和后代之间的水资源竞争增加,阻碍了社会的可持续发展。为了减轻突出的水资源问题,实现水资源可持续利用和社会和经济的可持续发展,提出了一种多目标最佳水资源配置模型,其中不同的水源和不同的水部门被认为是实现最大社会的水资源可持续性前提下研究领域的经济效益。为满足后代的需求,引入了折扣价值来衡量代际股权。淮河盆地上游七个城市的案例研究验证了模型的实用性和可行性。非主导的分选遗传算法算法-2(NSGA-2)用于在水文干旱年份(流入保证率P = 75%)下,在2020和2050年找到最佳水资源分配方案。与以往的模型相比,代际股权模型考虑了水资源的可持续性,具有更高的社会和经济效益,并确保了几代水资源的公平分布。根据结果​​,在平衡的重量下,七个城市的缺水比率将从2050年的5.24%降低到2020年的1.58%,经济效益将分别从79.46(1010cn)增加到168.3(1010cn)。此外,2050年经济利益的折扣价值为80.23(1010CNY),仍然高于2020年。这表明水资源分配方案可以消除水资源供需与实现代际股权之间的差异。因此,代际股权模型可以减轻水资源的矛盾,实现代际股权。



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