首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Vulnerable Dignity Dignified Vulnerability: Intertwining of Ethical Principles in End-of-Life Care

Vulnerable Dignity Dignified Vulnerability: Intertwining of Ethical Principles in End-of-Life Care




The aim of this article is to analyze how dignity and vulnerability, as declared principles of bioethics, both can be seen in a new light when they are thought of together, in their intertwining, in order to outline a proposal for an analytical framework for end-of-life care. It is thus shown, on the one hand, that the demand for respect for the equal dignity of every person, linked by the different anthropological and ethical theories to their autonomy as a rational agent, also refers to their fragile, vulnerable, and interdependent character, as an embodied subjectivity, sustained by a complex web of care. On the other hand, the vulnerability of these selves as others, constituted by the radical appeal of everything that affects them socially, emotionally, sensitively, and by their need for recognition and attention, would be pathological if it did not include the impulse towards autonomy, which, although precarious and connotative, requires dignified and equitable treatment. This intertwining of both principles points to a phenomenological conception of the person as a corporeal social existence, from which a number of studies on the attention to dignity and vulnerability at the end of life are analyzed.
机译:本文的目的是分析如何在宣布的生物伦道奇原则中的尊严和脆弱程度,两者都可以在他们被认为在交织中被认为是新的光线,以便概述一个结束分析框架的提案 - 生活保健。因此,一方面所示,对每个人的平等尊严的需求,被不同的人类学和道德理论与其自主权联系在一起作为理性剂,也是他们脆弱,脆弱的和相互依存的性格作为一种体现的主体性,由复杂的护理网络持续。另一方面,这些自我作为其他人的脆弱性,由影响他们社会,情感,敏感的一切的根治性吸引力构成,如果它不包括对自主权的冲动,那将是病态的虽然岌岌可危和内涵,但需要尊严和公平的治疗。这两种原则的这种融合指向人的现象学概念,作为一种物质社会存在,从中分析了一些关于在生命结束时注意尊严和脆弱性的研究。



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