首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Geriatrics >Pneumococcal Pneumonia and Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Those 65 and Older: Rates of Detection Risk Factors Vaccine Effectiveness Hospitalisation and Mortality

Pneumococcal Pneumonia and Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Those 65 and Older: Rates of Detection Risk Factors Vaccine Effectiveness Hospitalisation and Mortality




Pneumococcal pneumonia (PP) and invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) are important causes of morbidity and mortality in seniors worldwide. Incidence rates and serious outcomes worsen with increasing frailty, numbers of risk factors and decreasing immune competence with increasing age. Literature reviews in Medline and Embase were performed for pneumococcal disease incidence, risk factors, vaccination rates and effectiveness in the elderly. The introduction of protein-conjugated pneumoccal vaccines (PCV) for children markedly reduced IPD and PP in seniors, but serotypes not included in vaccines and with previously low levels increased. Pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPV23) vaccination does not change nasal and pharyngeal carriage rates. Pneumococcal and influenza vaccination rates in seniors are below guideline levels, especially in older seniors and nursing home staff. Pneumococcal and influenza carriage and vaccination rates of family members, nursing home health care workers and other contacts are unknown. National vaccination programmes are effective in increasing vaccination rates. Detection of IPD and PP initially depend on clinical symptoms and new chest X ray infiltrates and then varies according to the population and laboratory tests used. To understand how seniors and especially older seniors acquire PP and IPD data are needed on pneumococcal disease and carriage rates in family members, carers and contacts. Nursing homes need reconfiguring into small units with air ventilation externally from all rooms to minimise respiratory disease transmission and dedicated staff for each unit to minimise transmision of infectious diseaases.
机译:肺炎球菌肺炎(PP)和侵袭性肺炎球菌病(IPD)是全球老年人发病率和死亡率的重要原因。发病率和严重结果随着危险因素的增加,危险因素的数量和随着年龄增加而降低免疫能力而恶化。在老年人的肺炎球菌疾病发病率,危险因素,疫苗接种率和效果中进行了美中的综合评论。蛋白质共轭的肺炎疫苗疫苗(PCV)用于儿童显着降低IPD和PP,但疫苗中未包含的血清型和以前低水平增加。肺炎球菌多糖(PPV23)疫苗接种不会改变鼻和咽部托架率。老年人的肺炎球菌和流感疫苗接种率低于指南水平,特别是在老年人和养老院工作人员。家庭成员的肺炎球菌和流感疫苗接种率,护理家庭医疗工作者和其他联系人都是未知的。国家疫苗接种计划在增加疫苗接种率方面有效。 IPD和PP的检测最初取决于临床症状和新的胸部X射线渗透,然后根据所使用的人口和实验室测试而变化。要了解老年人,特别是老年人如何在家庭成员,护理人员和联系人的肺炎球菌病和运输速率下获得PP和IPD数据。护理家庭需要重新配置所有房间外部的空气通风,以最大限度地减少每个单元的呼吸系统疾病传输和专用工作人员,以尽量减少传染病的传播。



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