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The Usefulness of a Versatile Retractor System in Venous Anastomoses with Microvascular Anastomotic Coupler




Breast reconstruction with microvascular anastomosis has become an increasingly standard procedure. Arterial anastomoses are generally still hand-sewn, but venous anastomoses are frequently completed with a coupler device. The device overcomes the vessel limitations and also increases operative efficiency. The most widely used device is still the Synovis microvascular anastomotic device (GEM Coupler; Synovis Micro Companies Alliance, Birmingham, Ala.). Many reconstructive surgeons take the use of this device for granted, and our facility is no exception for most venous anastomoses. In its usage, the donor vein, followed by the recipient vein, is attached to the individual coupling components, and the ends of the vessels to be anastomosed are pulled through opposing rings and everted onto device pins. Irrigation of the vessels with heparinized saline is sometimes required. One significant drawback of this anastomotic device is that the surgeon has to hold the handle of the device, engaging his one hand constantly. Therefore, if there is no assistant, the surgeon has to complete the above procedures using only one hand because the other hand is constantly engaged in holding the device.
机译:具有微血管吻合术的乳房重建已成为越来越越来越标准的程序。动脉吻合术通常仍然是手工缝制,但静脉吻合术经常用耦合器装置完成。该器件克服了血管限制并增加了操作效率。最广泛使用的设备仍然是Synovis微血管吻合装置(GEM耦合器; Symovis Micro Company Alliance,伯明翰,ALA。)。许多重建外科医生利用这种设备理所当然,我们的设施也不例外大多数静脉吻合。在其使用中,供体静脉,其次是受体静脉连接到各个耦合部件,并且待吻合的容器的端部通过相反的环拉动并在装置销上。有时需要用肝素化盐水灌溉。这种吻合装置的一个显着缺点是外科医生必须握住装置的手柄,不断地吸引他的一只手。因此,如果没有助理,外科医生必须只使用一只手完成上述程序,因为另一方面是不断地接合装置。



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