首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Pharmacy: Journal of Pharmacy Education and Practice >Pharmacist Segments Identified from 2009 2014 and 2019 National Pharmacist Workforce Surveys: Implications for Pharmacy Organizations and Personnel

Pharmacist Segments Identified from 2009 2014 and 2019 National Pharmacist Workforce Surveys: Implications for Pharmacy Organizations and Personnel




Findings from the 2009 and 2014 National Pharmacist Workforce Surveys showed that approximately 40% of U.S. pharmacists devoted their time primarily to medication providing, 40% contributed a significant portion of their time to patient care service provision, and the remaining 20% contributed most of their time to other health-system improvement activities. The objective of this study was to characterize the U.S. pharmacist workforce into segments based on the proportion of time they spend in medication providing and patient care services and compare changes in these segments between 2009, 2014, and 2019. Data from 2009, 2014, and 2019 National Pharmacist Workforce Surveys were analyzed. Responses from 1200 pharmacists in 2009, 1382 in 2014, and 4766 in 2019 were used for analysis. Respondents working in the pharmacy or pharmacy-related fields reported both their percent time devoted to medication providing and to patient care services. Medication providing included preparing, distributing, and administering medication products, including associated professional services. Patient care services were professional services designed for assessing and evaluating medication-related needs, monitoring and adjusting patient’s treatments, and other services designed for patient care. For each year of data, pharmacist segments were identified using a two-step cluster analysis. Descriptive statistics were used for describing the characteristics of the segments. For each year, five segments of pharmacists were identified. The proportions of pharmacists in each segment for the three surveys (2009, 2014, 2019) were: (1) medication providers (41%, 40%, 34%), (2) medication providers who also provide patient care (25%, 22%, 25%), (3) other activity pharmacists (16%, 18%, 14%), (4) patient care providers who also provide medication (12%, 13%, 15%), and (5) patient care providers (6%, 7%, 12%). In 2019, other activity pharmacists worked over 45 hours per week, on average, with 12 of these hours worked remotely. Patient care providers worked 41 hours per week, on average, with six of these hours worked remotely. Medication providers worked less than 40 hours per week, on average, with just one of these hours worked remotely. Regarding the number of patients with whom a respondent interacted on a typical day, medication providers reported 18 per day, patient care providers reported 11 per day, and other activity pharmacists reported 6 per day. In 2009, 8% of patient care providers worked in a setting that was not licensed as a pharmacy. In 2019, this grew to 17%. : The 2019 findings showed that 34% of U.S. pharmacists devoted their time primarily to medication providing (compared to 40% in 2009 and 2014), 52% contributed a significant portion of their time to patient care service provision (compared to 40% in 2009 and 2014), and the remaining 14% contributed most of their time to other health-system improvement activities. Distinguishing characteristics of the segments suggested that recent growth in the pharmacist workforce has been in the patient care services, with more being provided through remote means in organizations that are not licensed as pharmacies. The findings have implications for pharmacist training, continuing education, labor monitoring, regulations, work systems, and process designs. These changes will create new roles and tasks for pharmacy organizations and personnel that will be needed to support emerging patient care services provided by pharmacists.
机译:2009年和2014年美国国家药剂师劳动力调查的结果显示,约40%的美国药剂师将时间主要用于提供药物,其中40%的人将大部分时间用于提供患者护理服务,其余20%的人将大部分时间用于提供药物有时间参加其他卫生系统改善活动。这项研究的目的是根据美国药剂师在药物提供和患者护理服务上花费的时间比例将他们划分为不同的人群,并比较这些人群在2009、2014和2019年之间的变化。2009、2014和分析了2019年国家药剂师劳动力调查。分析使用了2009年的1200名药师,2014年的1382名药师和2019年的4766名药师的回复。在药房或与药房相关领域工作的受访者表示,他们用于药品提供和患者护理服务的时间百分比。药物提供包括准备,分发和管理药物产品,包括相关的专业服务。患者护理服务是旨在评估和评估与药物相关的需求,监视和调整患者治疗的专业服务,以及其他用于患者护理的服务。对于每一年的数据,使用两步聚类分析来确定药剂师细分。描述性统计用于描述段的特征。每年,要确定五个部分的药剂师。三项调查(2009年,2014年,2019年)在每个细分市场中的药剂师比例为:(1)药物提供者(41%,40%,34%),(2)同时提供患者护理的药物提供者(25%, 22%,25%),(3)其他活动药剂师(16%,18%,14%),(4)同时提供药物治疗的患者护理提供者(12%,13%,15%),以及(5)患者护理人员(6%,7%,12%)。在2019年,其他活动药剂师平均每周工作45小时以上,其中12小时是远程工作。患者护理提供者平均每周工作41个小时,其中有6个小时是远程工作。药物提供者平均每周工作少于40个小时,其中只有一小时是远程工作。关于在典型的一天中与受访者进行互动的患者数量,药物提供者每天报告18名患者,患者护理人员每天报告11名患者,其他活动药剂师每天报告6名患者。在2009年,有8%的患者护理提供者在未经药房许可的环境中工作。在2019年,这一比例增长到17%。 :2019年的调查结果显示,有34%的美国药剂师将时间主要用于提供药物(2009年和2014年为40%),52%的患者将大部分时间用于提供患者护理服务(2009年为40%)和2014年),其余14%的人将大部分时间用于其他卫生系统改善活动。这些细分市场的显着特征表明,药剂师从业人员的最新增长来自患者护理服务,而未经药房许可的组织通过远程方式提供了更多服务。研究结果对药剂师的培训,继续教育,劳动监察,法规,工作系统和工艺设计具有重要意义。这些变化将为药房组织和人员创造新的角色和任务,以支持药师提供的新兴患者护理服务。



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