
Manipulation of human history by microbes




The convergence of the microbial and human worlds provides us with everyday essentials for the survival of our species, and in turn, this interaction brings painful and tragic consequences from pathogens. Looking back, it can be seen that microbes have also changed our history. Were it not for a pathogen that halted an Assyrian military campaign, we might have no Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. Microbes were there to aid adversaries in bringing about the fall of the great Greek and Roman empires. George Washington's bold orders to inoculate the Colonial Army against smallpox (20 years prior to Jenner's discovery of vaccination) were one of the most significant actions in saving the American Revolution from an early and unsuccessful end. Without the yellow fever virus and its accomplice, those living in what was the Louisiana Territory might now have French as their native language. The potato blight caused by changed the histories of both Ireland and those countries (especially the United States) to which victims of the famine emigrated. At the outbreak of World War I, when England was separated from its European source of acetone (needed for the navy's supply of cordite), British citizens had to make do with less gin, but acetone was available thanks to the growth of in those fermentation vessels.
机译:微生物和人类世界的融合为我们的物种生存提供了日常必需品,进而,这种相互作用带来了病原体带来的痛苦和悲剧性后果。回顾过去,可以看出微生物也改变了我们的历史。如果不是因为某种病原体而使亚述军队停止了战斗,我们可能就没有犹太教,基督教或伊斯兰教。微生物在那里帮助敌人使希腊和罗马帝国灭亡。乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)的大胆命令是向殖民地军队接种天花疫苗(在詹纳(Jenner)发现疫苗之前20年),这是挽救美国革命免于早期失败的最重要举措之一。如果没有黄热病病毒及其帮凶,住在路易斯安那州领土的人们现在可能会以法语为母语。马铃薯疫病是由于改变了爱尔兰以及饥荒受害者移居到的那些国家(特别是美国)的历史。第一次世界大战爆发时,英格兰从欧洲的丙酮来源中分离出来(需要海军提供堇青石),英国公民必须用较少的杜松子酒,但是由于发酵的增加,丙酮可以得到船只。



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