首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Clinical Investigation >Oxygen Equilibrium Characteristics of Abnormal Hemoglobins: Hirose (α2β237Ser) L Ferrara (α247Glyβ2) Broussais (α290Asnβ2) and Dhofar (α2β258Arg)

Oxygen Equilibrium Characteristics of Abnormal Hemoglobins: Hirose (α2β237Ser) L Ferrara (α247Glyβ2) Broussais (α290Asnβ2) and Dhofar (α2β258Arg)




The oxygen equilibrium characteristics of four structural variants of hemoglobin A were correlated with their amino acid substitutions.Hemoglobin Dhofar, in which the proline at E2(58)β is replaced by arginine, had normal oxygen equilibrium characteristics.Hemoglobin L Ferrara. in which the aspartic acid at CD5(47)α is replaced by glycine, and hemoglobin Broussais, in which the lysine at FG2(90)α is replaced by asparagine, both showed a slightly elevated oxygen affinity; nevertheless both demonstrated a normal heme-heme interaction and a normal Bohr effect.Hemoglobin Hirose, in which the tryptophan at C3 (37)β is replaced by serine, showed abnormalities of all oxygen equilibrium characteristics; i.e., increased oxygen affinity, diminished heme-heme interaction, and reduced Bohr effect.These results suggest that aspartic acid at CD5(47)α and lysine at FG2(90)α are involved in the function of the hemoglobin molecule, despite the fact that these positions are not located directly in the heme or the α-β-contact regions.Tryptophan at C3(37)β is located at contact between α1- and β2-subunits. It is suggested that the substitution by serine might disturb the quarternary structure of the mutant hemoglobin molecule during transition from oxy-form to deoxy-form resulting in an alteration of the heme function.
机译:血红蛋白A的四个结构变异体的氧平衡特性与其氨基酸取代相关。在E2(58)β上的脯氨酸被精氨酸替代的血红蛋白Dhofar具有正常的氧平衡特性。其中CD5(47)α处的天冬氨酸被甘氨酸替代,FG2(90)α处的赖氨酸被天冬酰胺替代的血红蛋白Broussais均显示出稍高的氧亲和力。血红蛋白Hirose(其中C3(37)β处的色氨酸被丝氨酸替代)显示了所有氧平衡特性的异常;但两者均显示出正常的血红素-血红素相互作用和正常的玻尔效应。这些结果表明,尽管事实表明,血红蛋白分子的功能与CD5(47)α处的天冬氨酸和FG2(90)α处的赖氨酸有关,但事实却如此。 C3(37)β的色氨酸位于α1-和β2-亚基之间的接触处。提示丝氨酸取代可能会在从氧形式向脱氧形式转变期间干扰突变型血红蛋白分子的四级结构,从而导致血红素功能的改变。



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