首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology >A Combination of Nifedipine and OctreotideTreatment in an HyperinsulinemicHypoglycemic Infant

A Combination of Nifedipine and OctreotideTreatment in an HyperinsulinemicHypoglycemic Infant




Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (HH) is the commonest cause of persistent hypoglycemia in the neonatal and infancy periods. Mutations in the ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes, which encode subunits of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel in the pancreatic beta cell, are identified in approximately 50% of these patients. The first-line drug in the treatment of HH is diazoxide. Octreotide and glucagon can be used in patients who show no response to diazoxide. Nifedipine, a calcium-channel blocker, has been shown to be an effective treatment in a small number of patients with diazoxide-unresponsive HH. We report a HH patient with a homozygous ABCC8 mutation (p.W1339X) who underwent a near-total pancreatectomy at 2 months of age due to a lack of response to diazoxide and octreotide treatment. Severe hypoglycemic attacks continued following surgery, while the patient was being treated with octreotide. These attacks resolved when nifedipine was introduced. Whilst our patient responded well to nifedipine, the dosage could not be increased to 0.75 mg/kg/day due to development of hypotension, a reported side effect of this drug. Currently, our patient, now aged 4 years, is receiving a combination of nifedipine and octreotide treatment. He is under good control and shows no side effects. In conclusion, nifedipine treatment can be started in patients with HH who show a poor response to diazoxide and octreotide treatment.
机译:高胰岛素血症性低血糖症(HH)是新生儿和婴儿期持续性低血糖症的最常见原因。在这些患者中大约有50%发现了ABCC8和KCNJ11基因中的突变,这些基因编码胰腺β细胞中ATP敏感性钾通道的亚基。治疗HH的一线药物是二氮嗪。奥曲肽和胰高血糖素可用于对二氮嗪无反应的患者。硝苯地平是一种钙通道阻滞剂,已被证明对少数对二氮嗪无反应的HH患者有效。我们报告了一位患有纯合性ABCC8突变(p.W1339X)的HH患者,由于对二氮嗪和奥曲肽治疗缺乏反应,在2个月大时接受了几乎完全的胰腺切除术。病人接受奥曲肽治疗后,严重的降血糖发作仍在继续。引入硝苯地平后,这些攻击得到了解决。尽管我们的患者对硝苯地平的反应良好,但由于低血压的发展,该剂量未能增加至0.75 mg / kg /天,这是该药物的副作用。目前,我们现年4岁的患者正在接受硝苯地平和奥曲肽的联合治疗。他处于良好的控制之下,没有任何副作用。总之,硝苯地平可以在对二氮嗪和奥曲肽治疗反应差的HH患者中开始使用。



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