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Have We Forgotten the Threat Posed by Fascioliasis? A Potential Threat to Public Health




Fascioliasis is a zoonotic disease, still a critical public health problem in endemic areas. Occurrence of fascioliasis in man is prehistoric ( ). The main cause of this disease is (the sheep live fluke or the common liver fluke). This flatworm involves biliary passages of the liver, but can also be found in the duodenum, migrate through the intestinal wall into the peritoneal cavity, penetrate the capsule of the liver, pass through its parenchyma and ultimately settle in the biliary passages. As a public health hazards, fascioliasis was first discovered by Chen and Mott ( ). Intestinal parasitic infections are widely prevalent in human population of Pakistan with only two reports on infection. First report on the occurrence of was claimed by Qureshi et al ( ) and recently another case is given ( ) from Swat, Pakistan. We herein, report the effect of albendazole against fascioliasis in a 14 yr old boy from February to June 2016 of the University Pubic School, University of Malakand, Lower Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
机译:筋膜炎是一种人畜共患病,在地方病地区仍然是关键的公共卫生问题。男性筋膜病的发生是史前的()。造成这种疾病的主要原因是(绵羊活吸虫或普通肝吸虫)。这种扁虫涉及肝脏的胆道,但也可以在十二指肠中发现,通过肠壁迁移进入腹膜腔,穿透肝脏的囊膜,穿过其实质,最终在胆道中定居。作为一种公共卫生危害,筋膜胶结症最早是由Chen和Mott()发现的。肠道寄生虫感染在巴基斯坦人口中普遍流行,仅有两篇关于感染的报道。 Qureshi等人()声称存在有关该病的第一份报告,最近巴基斯坦(Swat)给出了另一例()的报道。我们在此报告了阿苯达唑对2016年2月至2016年6月在巴基斯坦开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省马拉卡德大学下迪尔分校的14岁男孩中的筋膜病的影响。



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