首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Diabetes Care >Response to Comment on Sims et al. Proinsulin Secretion Is a Persistent Feature of Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2019;42:258–264

Response to Comment on Sims et al. Proinsulin Secretion Is a Persistent Feature of Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2019;42:258–264

机译:对Sims等人评论的回应。胰岛素原的分泌是1型糖尿病的持久特征。糖尿病护理2019; 42:258–264



In a cohort of 319 individuals with long-duration type 1 diabetes (T1D), we found that 89.9% of participants with undetectable stimulated C-peptide had measurable fasting or stimulated serum proinsulin ( ). To ensure the validity of our results, we performed rigorous validation of the Millipore human intact and Des (31,32) proinsulin radioimmunoassay that included spike-in experiments using insulin, C-peptide, and proinsulin; independent calculation of a lower limit of detection; assessment of inter- and intra-assay coefficients of variation; analysis of linearity of dilution; analysis of samples pre- and postpancreatectomy; analysis of effects of increased insulin autoantibody titers; and quantitative validation of our findings using mass spectrometry ( ). The letter by Steenkamp et al. ( ) in response to our article suggests the Millipore assay may overestimate proinsulin levels compared with the ALPCO STELLUX human total proinsulin ELISA. The authors’ concerns are based on their finding that, using the ALPCO assay, proinsulin was detected in only 16% of random samples from a smaller subset of C-peptide–negative individuals from the same T1D Exchange Residual C-peptide Study ( ).
机译:在319名长期持续的1型糖尿病(T1D)患者中,我们发现89.9%的无法检测到C肽刺激的参与者有可测量的空腹或血清胰岛素原()。为确保结果的有效性,我们对密理博人类完整无损检测和Des(31,32)原胰岛素放射免疫测定法进行了严格的验证,其中包括使用胰岛素,C肽和胰岛素原的掺入实验;独立计算检测下限;评估批间和批内变异系数;稀释线性分析;胰腺切除术前后样品的分析;分析胰岛素自身抗体滴度增加的影响;并使用质谱对结果进行定量验证()。 Steenkamp等人的信。 ()针对我们的文章提出建议,与ALPCO STELLUX人总胰岛素原ELISA相比,Millipore检测法可能高估了胰岛素原水平。作者的担忧基于他们的发现,即使用ALPCO分析,在同一T1D交换残留C肽研究()的一小部分C肽阴性个体的随机样本中,仅检测到了胰岛素原。


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