首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Pathogens >Comparison of Macrophage Responses to African Swine Fever Viruses Reveals that the NH/P68 Strain is Associated with Enhanced Sensitivity to Type I IFN and Cytokine Responses from Classically Activated Macrophages

Comparison of Macrophage Responses to African Swine Fever Viruses Reveals that the NH/P68 Strain is Associated with Enhanced Sensitivity to Type I IFN and Cytokine Responses from Classically Activated Macrophages

机译:对非洲猪瘟病毒的巨噬细胞反应的比较表明NH / P68株与I型干扰素敏感性增强和经典活化巨噬细胞对细胞因子的反应有关



African swine fever (ASF) poses a severe threat to the global pig industry for which currently there is no available vaccine. The aetiological ASF virus (ASFV) has a predilection for cells of the myeloid lineage, however little is known about its interaction with polarised macrophages. This study focused on the in vitro interactions of porcine monocyte-derived un-activated (moMΦ), classically (moM1), alternatively (moM2), and IFN-α-activated macrophages with two genotype I ASFV strains: virulent 22653/14 and attenuated NH/P68. At a high multiplicity of infection, NH/P68, but not 22653/14, presented a reduced ability to infect moM1 and IFN−α-activated moMΦ compared to moMΦ. IFN-α activation resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in the proportion of ASFV-infected cells. Both strains replicated efficiently in all the subsets. While higher levels of IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-18 were secreted by NH/P68-infected moM1 compared to 22653/14, both strains negatively affected moMΦ ability to release IL-6, IL-12, TNF-α in response to classical activation or stimulation with a TLR2 agonist. Our results suggest that ASFV 22653/14 covertly replicates in macrophages, compromising the development of effective immune responses. Attenuated NH/P68 has partially lost these mechanisms, which may enhance immune surveillance. A better understating of these mechanisms should aid the rational design of live attenuated ASFV vaccines.
机译:非洲猪瘟(ASF)对全球养猪业构成了严重威胁,目前尚无可用的疫苗。病原性ASF病毒(ASFV)对髓系谱系的细胞有偏爱,但对其极化极化巨噬细胞的相互作用知之甚少。这项研究的重点是猪单核细胞衍生的未激活(moMΦ),经典(moM1),交替(moM2)和IFN-α激活的巨噬细胞与两种I型ASFV毒株的体外相互作用:强毒22653/14和减毒NH / P68。与moMΦ相比,在高感染率下,NH / P68(而非22653/14)呈现出降低的感染moM1和IFN-α激活的moMΦ的能力。 IFN-α激活导致ASFV感染的细胞比例呈剂量依赖性降低。两种菌株在所有亚组中均有效复制。尽管与22653/14相比,NH / P68感染的moM1分泌更高水平的IL-1α,IL-1β和IL-18,但这两种菌株均对moMΦ释放IL-6,IL-12,TNF-α的能力产生负面影响。响应于经典激活或TLR2激动剂的刺激。我们的结果表明,ASFV 22653/14在巨噬细胞中秘密复制,从而损害了有效免疫反应的发展。减弱的NH / P68部分丧失了这些机制,这可能会增强免疫监视。更好地低估这些机制应有助于合理设计ASFV减毒活疫苗。



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