首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Community-Engaged Research for the Promotion of Healthy Urban Environments: A Case Study of Community Garden Initiative in Shanghai China

Community-Engaged Research for the Promotion of Healthy Urban Environments: A Case Study of Community Garden Initiative in Shanghai China




The importance of community gardens in a healthy urban environment has been extensively documented, while the garden building involving communities has not been much explored in fast-developing cities. This study examines community engagement in garden building activities in a rapid urbanization context, aiming to explore the application of community-engaged research methods for the promotion of neighbourhood environments. The Community Garden Initiative consisting of an array of progressive actions is formulated by the research team, featuring a process of increasing involvement of community members and decreasing intensity of external interventions. These activities have been launched based on community-university partnerships in Shanghai since 2014, synchronising with a transformation of urban regeneration paradigm in China where people-oriented approaches are more emphasized. Five actions covering 70 community gardens are analysed through surveys on participants’ attitudes and perceptions towards the activities. The results of the study presented people’s rapid acceptance of participation in public affairs, reflected possible measures to promote public participation, and confirmed the positive impacts of the garden building on the neighbourhood environmental health as well as on the community-building. Taking into account that residents generally lack the consciousness and capacities required to implement actions at the initial stage of community engagement, we proposed in the conclusion to start with external interventions and capacity buildings carried out by professionals as a supplement to the ‘community-driven’ principle of CBPR methods.
机译:在健康的城市环境中,社区花园的重要性已得到广泛的文献证明,而在快速发展的城市中,涉及社区的花园建设并未得到太多探讨。这项研究考察了社区在快速城市化背景下对园林建设活动的参与,旨在探索社区参与的研究方法在促进邻里环境中的应用。研究团队制定了由一系列渐进式行动组成的社区花园计划,其特点是增加社区成员的参与并减少外部干预的强度。自2014年以来,这些活动是在上海基于社区-大学合作伙伴关系的基础上发起的,与中国城市更新范式的转变同步进行,在中国,人们更注重以人为本的方法。通过对参与者对活动的态度和看法的调查,分析了覆盖70个社区花园的五项行动。研究结果表明人们迅速接受了公共事务,反映了促进公众参与的可能措施,并确认了花园建筑对邻里环境健康以及社区建设的积极影响。考虑到居民通常缺乏在社区参与初期采取行动所需的意识和能力,我们在结论中建议从专业人员进行的外部干预和能力建设开始,以补充“社区驱动” CBPR方法的原理。



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