首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Preventive Medicine Reports >Feasibility of a family-focused YMCA-based diabetes prevention program in youth: The E.P.I.C. Kids (Encourage Practice and Inspire Change) Study

Feasibility of a family-focused YMCA-based diabetes prevention program in youth: The E.P.I.C. Kids (Encourage Practice and Inspire Change) Study




Efficacious lifestyle modification programs for children at risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) have not been well established outside of clinical settings. In this study, the feasibility of a family-focused, YMCA-based prevention program for children at risk of T2D was evaluated between September 2015 and July 2016 in Tucson, Arizona. A 12-week YMCA-led lifestyle intervention was adapted for 9–12-year-old children and their families to encourage healthy eating, physical activity, and supportive home environments. Two YMCA locations were randomized to offer either a face-to-face lifestyle coach-led intervention or an alternating face-to-face and digitally-delivered intervention. Program feasibility and preliminary effects on child anthropometric and behavioral outcomes were assessed at baseline and post-intervention. Changes were assessed using linear regression combining delivery formats, with adjustment for clustering of participants within site/format. Forty-eight children (10.9 ± 1.2 years old; 45% female; 40% Hispanic; 43% White; 87% obese) and their parents enrolled, and 36 (75%) completed 12-week measures. Weekly program attendance averaged 61%. Participants and coaches highly rated program content and engagement strategies. Statistically significant changes in child BMI-z score (−0.05, p = 0.03) and family food and physical activity environment (+5.5% family nutrition and physical activity score, p = 0.01) were observed. A YMCA-led family-focused T2D intervention was feasible for the YMCA and participants and effects on child weight, behavior, and the home environment warranted further investigation.
机译:在临床环境之外,尚未针对儿童患2型糖尿病(T2D)的有效生活方式改变计划。在这项研究中,于2015年9月至2016年7月在亚利桑那州图森市评估了针对Y2A风险儿童的以家庭为中心的,基于YMCA的预防计划的可行性。由基督教青年会(YMCA)领导的为期12周的生活方式干预措施适用于9-12岁的儿童及其家人,以鼓励健康饮食,体育锻炼和支持性家庭环境。 YMCA的两个地点被随机分配,以提供面对面的生活方式由教练指导的干预措施,或交替进行的面对面和数字化交付的干预措施。在基线和干预后评估了该计划的可行性以及对儿童人体测量和行为结果的初步影响。使用线性回归结合交付格式评估更改,并调整站点/格式内参与者的聚类。四十八名儿童(10.9±1.2岁);他们的父母参加了这项研究,其中36%(75%)完成了为期12周的检查(10.9±1.2岁; 45%的西班牙裔; 40%的白人; 87%的肥胖)。每周节目出勤率平均为61%。参与者和教练对计划内容和参与策略给予了高度评价。观察到儿童BMI-z得分(-0.05,p = 0.03)和家庭食物和身体活动环境(+ 5.5%家庭营养和身体活动评分,p = 0.01)有统计学意义的变化。由基督教青年会(YMCA)领导的以家庭为中心的T2D干预对基督教青年会(YMCA)和参与者是可行的,并且对儿童体重,行为和家庭环境的影响值得进一步调查。



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