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Datasets of surface water microbial populations from two anthropogenically impacted sites on the Bhagirathi-Hooghly River




The Bhagirathi-Hooghly River, part of the River Ganga, flows along densely urbanized areas in West Bengal, India. The River water is extensively used for household activities, human consumption including bathing, social purposes and multifaceted industrial usage. As a result of discharge of untreated municipal sewage and effluents from industries there is evidence of heavy pollution in this River. Two urbanized sites on the Bhagirathi-Hooghly River, namely Kalyani and Kolkata, were sampled to elucidate the resident microbial communities in of anthropogenic forcing with respect to pollution. The Kalyani station (Kal_Stn1) lies upstream to the Kolkata station (Kol_Stn7) and are approximate 50 km away from each other and located along the bank of Bhagirathi-Hooghly River. Sampling was undertaken in monsoon (September 2018). environmental parameters were measured during sampling and dissolved nutrients were estimated from formalin fixed filtered surface water along with pesticides analysis. One litre surface water sample was collected from each station and environmental DNA was sequenced to identify resident microbial communities (bacterioplankton and oxygenic photoautrophs-phytoplankton). The bacterioplankton community structure was elucidated by sequencing the V4 region of the 16S rDNA on an Illumina MiSeq platform. Proteobacteria was found to be the most abundant bacterioplankton phylum in both sampling stations. Similar to bacterioplankton, variation in oxygenic photoautotrophic community structure including phytoplankton forms was found at phylum, class and family levels. The phytoplankton communities were elucidated by sequencing the V9 region of the 18S rDNA on an Illumina MiSeq platform. Chrysophyta was found to be the most abundant phytoplankton phylum identified from both stations, followed by Chlorophyta and other groups. Variation in phytoplankton community structure between the stations was distinct at phylum, class and family levels.
机译:Bhagirathi-Hooghly河是恒河的一部分,沿着印度西孟加拉邦的人口稠密的城市化地区流动。河水被广泛用于家庭活动,包括沐浴在内的人类消费,社会目的以及多方面的工业用途。由于未经处理的城市污水和工业废水的排放,有证据表明这条河受到了严重污染。对Bhagirathi-Hooghly河上的两个城市化地点Kalyani和Kolkata进行了采样,以阐明人为污染造成的居民微生物群落。 Kalyani站(Kal_Stn1)位于加尔各答站(Kol_Stn7)的上游,相距约50公里,位于Bhagirathi-Hooghly河岸。于季风(2018年9月)进行抽样。在采样过程中测量环境参数,并通过福尔马林固定过滤的地表水和农药分析估算溶解的养分。从每个站点收集一公升地表水样品,并对环境DNA进行测序,以鉴定居住的微生物群落(浮游细菌和有氧光养植物-浮游植物)。通过在Illumina MiSeq平台上对16S rDNA的V4区域进行测序,阐明了浮游细菌的群落结构。发现在两个采样站中,变形杆菌是最丰富的浮游植物门。与浮游细菌相似,在门,类和家庭水平上发现了包括浮游植物形式在内的含氧光合自养群落结构的变化。通过在Illumina MiSeq平台上对18S rDNA的V9区域进行测序,阐明了浮游植物群落。从两个站点发现,浮游植物是最丰富的浮游植物门,其次是绿藻和其他群体。各站之间浮游植物群落结构的变化在门,类和家庭水平上是明显的。



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