首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery >Evaluation and Management of Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia in Patients with Distal Radius Fractures

Evaluation and Management of Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia in Patients with Distal Radius Fractures




Distal radius fractures (DRFs) are one of the most common fractures seen in elderly people. Patients with DRFs have a high incidence of osteoporosis and an increased risk of subsequent fractures, subtle early physical performance changes, and a high prevalence of sarcopenia. Since DRFs typically occur earlier than vertebral or hip fractures, they reflect early changes of the bone and muscle frailty and provide physicians with an opportunity to prevent progression of frailty and secondary fractures. In this review, we will discuss the concept of DRFs as a medical condition that is at the start of the fragility fracture cascade, recent advances in the diagnosis of bone fragility including emerging importance of cortical porosity, fracture healing with osteoporosis medications, and recent progress in research on sarcopenia in patients with DRFs.
机译:radius骨远端骨折(DRF)是老年人中最常见的骨折之一。患有DRF的患者骨质疏松症的发生率很高,随后发生骨折的风险增加,早期身体机能的细微变化以及肌肉减少症的患病率很高。由于DRF通常发生在椎骨或髋部骨折之前,因此DRF反映了骨骼和肌肉脆弱的早期变化,并为医师提供了预防脆弱和继发性骨折发展的机会。在这篇综述中,我们将讨论DRF作为脆性骨折级联开始时的医学状况的概念,骨脆性诊断的最新进展,包括皮质孔隙的重要性,骨质疏松药物对骨折愈合的重要性以及最新进展。 DRF患者的肌肉减少症的研究。



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