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DePicT Melanoma Deep-CLASS: a deep convolutional neural networks approach to classify skin lesion images




Although case-based reasoning (CBR) has been applied in a number of medical systems, only a few systems have been developed for melanoma. The estimated 5-year survival rate for patients whose melanoma is detected early is about 99% [ ] in the USA and around 93% [ ] in Germany. The survival rate falls to 63% when the disease reaches the lymph nodes and 20% when the disease metastasizes to distant organs [ ]; therefore, having the right information at the right time by developing decision support systems is essential and has become a major area of research in this field. The best path to early detection is recognizing new or changing skin growths, especially those that appear different from other moles [ ]. Even after treatment, it is very important for patients to keep up on their medical history and records. The national comprehensive cancer network (NCCN) which is an alliance of 28 cancer centers in the United States, creates helpful reports and resources to serve as guidelines for informing patients and other stakeholders about cancer [ ]. In this paper, we propose a hybrid CBR system and evaluate its performance on the skin lesions classification (benign and malignant). In the proposed system, deep neural networks are used as an image classifier in the context of CBR methodology and in the retrieval process. The case base of our proposed system contains melanoma images and skin cancer information as a case description and recommendation and the structure of cases includes image features, identified keywords, and a word association profile, which is explained in the next section. The case-base updates and learns over the time by new images. Image-based classification enables the system to give reasons for selecting matched cases and solutions to the problem description. Therefore this hybrid system has the advantages of deep learning (DL) and CBR and benefits from both. DL helps researchers absolutely to treat and detect diseases by analyzing medical data (e.g., medical images). One of the representative models among the various deep-learning models is a convolutional neural network (CNN). This classification of skin cancer by CNN as an image-based classification is comparable to the dermatologists’ detection [ ].
机译:尽管基于案例的推理(CBR)已在许多医疗系统中应用,但只有少数系统开发用于黑色素瘤。早期发现黑色素瘤的患者的5年生存率估计在美国约为99%[],在德国约为93%[]。当疾病到达淋巴结时,生存率下降到63%,而当疾病转移到远处器官时,生存率下降到20%。因此,通过开发决策支持系统在正确的时间获得正确的信息至关重要,并且已成为该领域的主要研究领域。早期发现的最佳途径是识别新的或变化的皮肤生长,尤其是那些看起来与其他痣不同的皮肤生长。即使经过治疗,保持患者的病史和病历也非常重要。由美国28个癌症中心组成的国家综合癌症网络(NCCN)创建有用的报告和资源,以作为向患者和其他利益相关者告知癌症的指南[]。在本文中,我们提出了一种混合CBR系统,并评估了其在皮肤病变分类(良性和恶性)上的性能。在提出的系统中,在CBR方法论的上下文中和在检索过程中,深度神经网络被用作图像分类器。我们提出的系统的案例库包含黑素瘤图像和皮肤癌信息,作为案例描述和推荐,案例的结构包括图像特征,识别的关键字和单词关联配置文件,这将在下一部分中进行说明。案例库会随着时间的推移通过新图像进行更新和学习。基于图像的分类使系统能够给出选择匹配案例的原因以及问题描述的解决方案。因此,此混合系统具有深度学习(DL)和CBR的优点,并且两者都受益。 DL通过分析医学数据(例如医学图像)绝对帮助研究人员治疗和检测疾病。卷积神经网络(CNN)是各种深度学习模型中的代表性模型之一。 CNN对皮肤癌的这种分类是基于图像的分类,与皮肤科医生的检测结果相当。



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